

Hi all ok here goes it i was asked to post a new thread and was told that there looked like there were some other problems please tell me what u think or know what the other problems are..
we planted 3 plants from seed lost one cause it showed signs of being a male about a week ago today we noticed one of the best plants so we thought was doing good is a male also

we were feeding them flora duo part A B 1 3tsp to 1tsp they started to get yellow spots so we flushed them and lowered the dose it worked they are under 1000w and temp stays around 79-83 we have 2 fans inside grow room and one on the outside bowing cool air in

we started to flower 2 days ago and the tall plant is now showing to be male aslo but the short bushy one is showing female
we started them on bloom dose and kewlbloom as an added supplement ph level is 6.5

aslo started some more clones from the female we have 6 from them and 4 from male that we will now how to throw out
and i also have 12 plants from seed that are a week old growing under 2x 150 cfl lighting with a small fan in the grow cupboard i will post some pics in a few minutes from seeds to clones to the 2 that are budding

ok sorry about that i was booted off the pc so here are some of the pixs was told that there is a male in here because it has the little flower pocket i have a question and please don't laugh

1. on a male plant could you not just cut off the balls and still flower it not all branches have them
2. how long should you grow clones before you start to flower them as in weeks
3. and same for seeds at what week should you start to flower them
4. do clones need alot of light should they be under a 1000w or is just regular tub lighting ok and how much light

we were feeding our plants 3-4 days then water then feed
please respond and thanks for the help and answers
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Active Member
1. yes you can cut the pollen sacks off, but they will keep growing back more and more each time.
2. I like to veg my plants for 2 months. that way i can get plenty cuttings off them. but you should go by how much space you have to grow. if u can support big plants grow them to the size u feel you can support.
3. same as above
4. no clones do not need as much light as flowering plants. a simple florescent light will do fine for them and you can keep it closer so they dont stretch as much.


thanks for your help did you check out the pics did they look ok to you
also how long should i wait before i put the clones under 18-6 they should have full roots right or at least showing roots sorry for dumb question but just making sure


one more question how many weeks is about the right for flowering they say about 7-9 weeks and depends on strain we don't know strain they are from (seed)


Well-Known Member
one more question how many weeks is about the right for flowering they say about 7-9 weeks and depends on strain we don't know strain they are from (seed)

I don't know about the cloning, but the flowering question is pretty straight forward. Most strains are ready in 7-9 weeks. The exact timing will depend on whether the following is happening:
1) 50%-70% of the pistils have changed color
2) The smell has peaked
3) Bud mass hasn't increased in a couple of days
4) 90% of the pistils are mature, with less than 5% withering and less than 5% being newer growth

This usually happens somewhere in the 7-9 week range. People here are really good about helping out with this decision, so when you get to 7 weeks, take some good photos and post. People will tell you to go ahead and harvest or wait another week or two.


Just a quick update, we put our only female plant left that was short and bushy back into veg mode, since she is short we figured we see if she would stretch out a little bit, since we lost the big male that was ready for flowering.... all clones from the female plant r looking real good same with the seedling now the waiting game again lol..

we'll keep ya'll updated on progress
cheers n beers


well here is our baby girl gonna give her about another week of some growth then to flowering did sum super topping to her she is nice looking let us know what ya think she has one leaf that has ten points lolIMG_0746.jpgIMG_0747.jpgIMG_0748.jpgIMG_0749.jpg