Newbie_Praying for a lady


Active Member
Hi All,

I came across some photos & thought I'd share...14 weeks, 4 days in 12/12 cycle, and worried it's a boy....

(pics were found, so consider everything hear say)




Well-Known Member
That picture looks really blurry but is that a hair coming out on the last picture? althought it's wicked blurry


Well-Known Member
really blurred. but try using a magnifying glass to take a pic through. it works really great. dont zoom and put ur camera on the little flower setting.
but the last pic looks a little promising, but not sure until better pics.


Active Member
Hey thanks...I'm sorry about the pic, camera out of commission, phone was only option and didn't want to miss it!

It looks like a white spike with green edges....all over the the plant, at each split!!!


Well-Known Member
is that a survaliance team in that white van in the background? just kidding, but I hope your plants can't be seen from a far. plants looking healthy.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a female to me, but it could soon develop a set of who knows.

But looken like female so far...


Well-Known Member
can't tell from this pictures.if it have white hair like shits it's feme.i'm waried about your security..... this "window plant show" is dangerous man . take care. cheetah


Well-Known Member
looks like a female
but you should maybe wait another couple day or a week. just to see if they turn into balls.
np! glad to help a fellow grower!
good luck and peace.


Active Member
Thanks all...even better today, topping off at about 30 inches...quick question, should the large fan leaves be clipped? The one's in direct contact, or above, the pistils....

Again, thanks!