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New Member
thanks chum!! +rep...i knwo pics me if i had a digital camera,ill flood this forum with pics lol..anyways,i currently have 5 more ak 48 seeds in a cup of of an hour ago,the seeds are nbo longer floating..however i cannot see any tap root yet,so ima let them in the water for a few more hours..some time tonite ima place in my rapid rooters soaked with phed water..and leave this in my dome on my cpu monitor..hopeufllu soon ill have some new seedlings,which i WONT fuck up so much wit!!!

come on gettn stressed out thinking that m,y seedlings are gonna be half assed..alsoi have em under 2 is 30w the other is 23w..they are 2500k..i know i need 6500l for vegging..but should i just use this for right now..the thing is i have a brand new 110 t-5 high output system from htg supply..with 6500k ulktr blue spectrum emits around 10,000 lumens..i know compared to my shiotty old cfls..this is paradise for my should i just use this to veg them?? theyr still quite small..only 2 days old..and i dont wanna use more light than will they grow faster under the t-5..or it doesnt matter??

ive heard that seedlings grow roots at first,and THEN start growing trhis true??

also,should i really put the ziplock over them?? would this be NECESSARY...thnak much guys


Well-Known Member
juicy if the seedling hasent sprouted yet it does no good to have lite on them. i would take them out of the water and try my method you might have better luck. and if those were grab bag seeds they might not pop. thats why they give them away.


New Member
juicy if the seedling hasent sprouted yet it does no good to have lite on them. i would take them out of the water and try my method you might have better luck. and if those were grab bag seeds they might not pop. thats why they give them away.
no they are nirvana ak48...supposed to be EXCELLENT gentics....

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
When is the right age to top a plant. they are young about 3 weeks old, outdoor in good sunlight. i dont want to kill the thing.

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
my plant is about 3 weeks old still seems to be short 3 -4 inchs what or is there any thing wrong with them or what they are white widow <


New Member
When is the right age to top a plant. they are young about 3 weeks old, outdoor in good sunlight. i dont want to kill the thing.
ive always liked lst better than topping....please read into it....lst consists of bending the enitre plant by tying it down to the since the plants main growth tip is no long vertical..all the side shoots will become vertical growth tips..its the plants natural defense if it ever "falls" down...please read into it..topping to me and alot of other growers has always been its basiclaly a form of stress..and it will have to recover before even growing any new tips...with lst the plant styarts growing multiplke main tips almost that same day!!:hump::spew:


Well-Known Member
ive always liked lst better than topping....please read into it....lst consists of bending the enitre plant by tying it down to the since the plants main growth tip is no long vertical..all the side shoots will become vertical growth tips..its the plants natural defense if it ever "falls" down...please read into it..topping to me and alot of other growers has always been its basiclaly a form of stress..and it will have to recover before even growing any new tips...with lst the plant styarts growing multiplke main tips almost that same day!!:hump::spew:
Nah, I disagree. I think LST and topping should be done in conjunction with one another, but I dont like LST as the primary means of modification. Topping is fast, easy, effective, and is very minimal stress to the plant if done correctly. Topping can be done any time in veg once the plant has sustained a few nodes, with the exception of the final two weeks of veg. The plant needs at least two weeks to heal before going into flower.

I like topping better because its less annoying. If i plant my plant in the center of the pot and want to tie it over, the top will be over the edge of the pot. Tying it down is annoying in itself.. getting string, finding a way to hold it to the pot, which usually leads to tape, which usually leads to more tape... Topping is simple. Make a tiny cut in veg, and it splits the plant in half. 2 colas. Do it again, 4 colas. Again... 8. An 8 cola LST plant without modifying the main stalk would be a pain in the ass indoors.

Well, thats jmo anyway.


Well-Known Member
my plant is about 3 weeks old still seems to be short 3 -4 inchs what or is there any thing wrong with them or what they are white widow <
Hm.. what makes you think they are 3-4 inches too short? It could be genetics or light placement or your growing medium. A number of things. If it looks healthy then I wouldn't worry about it! Throw a picture up if you're concerned.

If you'd like your plants to be taller, perhaps move your light(s) a little further away. This may cause them to stretch a bit. Don't move it too far away - too much stretching could be bad.


Well-Known Member
This was from my thread forgive me:

Edit: 9cfls 26w 6 above 2 on side. 3x3x3 room. Ph 7 (not sure after nutes, dont have hydro store around for ph adjust unless u can get it at local places)
9 1/2'' clone already rooted and what not of course. Just used Vigoro 10-10-10 all purpose

I mixed some nutes in a gallon and filled my container with it and sprayed on top of the soil real nice and moist with it and forgot the lights were going off.

I didnt think about watering it until someone on another thread who was helping me out (thank u mammath) mentioned watering it also and not leaving it on top of the soil. So couple hours later I gave it a good watering and wonder if im in some trouble or not. I went ahead and used plain water. I may have overwatered not sure...:cry::cry:

I went ahead and turned on the lights..

Now im not for sure if I was suppose to use the gallon bucket of water w/nutes added or just the sprayer + regular water. Any help is appreciated.


New Member
Nah, I disagree. I think LST and topping should be done in conjunction with one another, but I dont like LST as the primary means of modification. Topping is fast, easy, effective, and is very minimal stress to the plant if done correctly. Topping can be done any time in veg once the plant has sustained a few nodes, with the exception of the final two weeks of veg. The plant needs at least two weeks to heal before going into flower.

I like topping better because its less annoying. If i plant my plant in the center of the pot and want to tie it over, the top will be over the edge of the pot. Tying it down is annoying in itself.. getting string, finding a way to hold it to the pot, which usually leads to tape, which usually leads to more tape... Topping is simple. Make a tiny cut in veg, and it splits the plant in half. 2 colas. Do it again, 4 colas. Again... 8. An 8 cola LST plant without modifying the main stalk would be a pain in the ass indoors.

Well, thats jmo anyway.

excellent point nigga..while thats true....topping is known to slow the rate of veg time while if only for a few days..however when your growing indoors..time is of the essence...but i must ask..when you top,how long does it take for new shoots to emerge??


Active Member
I'm going on my second week of veg from seed and currently using FFOF as my medium.. To my understanding I don't need any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks using FFOF, is that correct? My next question is.. Can I use earthworm castings, high N and P bat guano, alfalfa and molasses for my whole grow making teas?


New Member
I'm going on my second week of veg from seed and currently using FFOF as my medium.. To my understanding I don't need any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks using FFOF, is that correct? My next question is.. Can I use earthworm castings, high N and P bat guano, alfalfa and molasses for my whole grow making teas?
hell yea nigga..thats gopnna be some healthy ass plants..thats called growing organic....and while youre at it,ima reccomened some tips for ya

1.get bloodmeal for nitrgoen and vegging i tblsp per gallon

2.get bonemeal for flowering i tblsp per gallon

3.use mollses alot,since the carbs feed all the micro life in the soil..which from a symbotic relationship with the root system

since ur growing can use all type of goiod sahit in there inclduing alaks fish fert and maxi xrop liquid sea your self a favor buy all these organic nutes.theyr dirt cheap,and work WONDERS...especialy the fish fert and liquid sea weed!!

o yea,cant forget about the SUPERTHRIVE....this thing is the only shit i wont live without!!!+rep


Well-Known Member
I just germed my super lemon haze seed and Im putting it in the stonewool plug. I put the tap root down, but its kind of curling up the side of the seed. Do I need to worry about that at all?


New Member
I just germed my super lemon haze seed and Im putting it in the stonewool plug. I put the tap root down, but its kind of curling up the side of the seed. Do I need to worry about that at all?
damm nigga..germing is supposedly a pice of cake..but ive been having SOOOO much trouble with it...first a few of my seeds never took...dam i bever knew germing wouild b this hard nigga!!


New Member
what do you mean didnt take? Did the tap root come out? how did you germ?,its a VERY logns tory but here goes....

i has 10 ak48 seeds.....the first 5 i had in a cup of water for a day,then once i saw the tap root,i stuck them in rockwool cubes soaked in ph;ed water,i placed the rockwool in a warm dark place..none poped the surface..then the other 5 only 2 popped the urface.however i used rapid rooters this time....all i gotta say is WOW....rapid rooters beat the rockwool to A PULP!!!! within hours of being placed in them,i can already see ROOTS STCIKING OUT THE BOTTOM!!!!:hump::hump::hump:

I really dont know why most of my seeds never only guess is they somehow rotted or somthiong in the cubes....even in the rapid rooters,but atleat 2 survived and are currently growin under a t-5:hump::hug:

i have 5 more ak48 seeds in some rapid rooters..and will post when they pop the surface....dam i just hgope my grow goes well./.so i can finally have a mother plant,and no longer have to fuck with seeds again!!!!


Well-Known Member
I just germed my super lemon haze seed and Im putting it in the stonewool plug. I put the tap root down, but its kind of curling up the side of the seed. Do I need to worry about that at all?
sometimes a lot of my roots are curly before i plop them in a medium. its all good


Well-Known Member
Kk lol. That sux you lost so many. Im only germin one seed right now, but its growing fast and my tap root is getting more curly but also a little closer to the top. I hope overnight it grows down more in the stonewool.