Newbie's first grow


Active Member
11 days in and my baby seems to be doing well. I thought she (very hopeful mama here) was growing a little slow but after seeing other people's pics I figure Im right on track.
This baby is straight from Negril Jamaica. Not realising it at the time, but I dropped a few seeds in a shoe - needless to say I now am a proud parent of Jamaican Ganja.

I started the few seeds that I found in a cup of water until they cracked and had a tail. Planted them in Jiffy Pots and 1 out of 3 made it so far. I have her under a 75 watt plant grow light in a dome workshop fixture that I just happened to have in the garage. She is nestled away in a bathroom cabinet. A fan keeps her cool, and an emergency blankey wrapping the walls keeps the light reflecting all the way around.

I water a few sprits from the water bottle each night when I get home from work, just enough to keep her moist.

Im not sure what to do next. I wasn't even planning on this but I figured what the heck, free seed from GOOOD FCKIN smoke - see what happens.

this baby has its first set of leaves and just showing the second set.
it has shot up to 2 inches in just 10 days on planting the seed.

I will post pictures soon.

Thanks for reading, any advise is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Hope you have a tall space to grow in. Most likely it is a pure sativa. They get tall! Top it early.


Well-Known Member
nice job. nice screen name. what do you plan planting them if they out grow the jiffy pots?


Active Member
it has been transplanted to larger 1/2gal pot. In a week or so I will have a larger grow closet. 2x3x4.5 If it outgrows that before I have access to a bigger area then Im screwed. I should have a vacant bedroom in a month to move the kids to. I had a few more seeds pop a few days ago. Seems Im a mama again.


Well-Known Member
I have her under a 75 watt plant grow light in a dome workshop fixture that I just happened to have in the garage.
Are you talking about an incandescent? Buy a couple 23 watt daylight compact flourescent bulbs (It'll put out 100w of light with less than 1/3 the heat / electricity used).


Active Member
yeah, since posting this thread I have made a few changes. I now have 2- 23w cfls with domes. I have 5 new sprouts in qt size pots and the largest and oldest in a 1/2 gal pot. The temp is steadily between 70 - 72, humidity @ 50%. everyone looks healthy.

whatever happens happens, I havent spent more than $40 on this grow and that is just from what I paid for the 1/4oz of bud in jamaica. Everything else was already in the garage or around the house taking up space.

Next week they move into their larger home, a rubbermaid storage locker about 5' tall (again have it laying around not being used so no out of pocket expense) I will have to purchase a few more bulbs, I have a few more bases laying around I could put to work.

This is definately a fun learning experience, hopefully with benefits.

Peace and Bud!