NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Is there any one out there that needs critical help on any marijuana problems or just wants to learn more tips or ideas on how to grow. Sick of bull shit anser well come ask me anything I promise with all my expieience i can anser you. I am 100% sober. Nope I think better high Puff Puff.....Hackuhh.....Puff Pufff Aight im ready

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Your pretty bored aint you. LOL
I just click on the new post link and viola! there is always a noobie in need of guidance.
Or some unanswered question just begging for help. That's where the action is at :)


Well-Known Member
can i get basic information on the matinenance of this hydro system
Man if this is your first grow i would not start with a hydro system. That big but here is some overall info on some. I hope this clears it up a little but remember if this is your first grow I wouldd start with light soil then move on. easy hydro applications: By far the easiest hydroponic systems to use are the wick and reservoir systems. These are referred to as Passive Hydroponic methods, because they require no water distribution system on an active scale (pump, drain, flow meter and path). The basis of these systems is that water will wick to where you want it if the medium and conditions are correct. The wick system is more involved than the reservoir system, since the wicks must be cut and placed in the pots, correct holes must be cut in the pots, and a spacer must be created to place the plants up above the water reservoir below. This can be as simple as two buckets, one fit inside the other, or a kiddie pool with bricks in it that the pots rest on, elevating them out of the nutrient solution. I find the wick setup to be more work than the reservoir system. Initial setup is a pain with wicks, and the plants sit higher in the room, taking up precious vertical space.

The base the pot sits on may not be very stable compared to a reservoir system, and a knocked over plant will never be the same as an untouched plant, due to stress and shock in recovery. The reservoir system needs only a good medium suited to the task, and a pan to sit a pot in. If rockwool slabs are used, a half slab of 12" rockwool fits perfectly into a kitty litter pan. The roots spread out in very desirable horizontal fashion and have a lot of room to grow. Plants grown in this manner are very robust because they get a great deal of oxygen at the roots.

Plants grown with reservoir hydroponics grow at about the same rate as wicks or other active hydroponic methods, with much less effort required, since it is by far the simplest of hydroponic methods. Plants can be watered and feed by merely pouring solution into the reservoir every few days. The pans take up very little vertical space and are easy to handle and move around. In a traditional hydroponic method, pots are filled with lava/ vermiculite mix of 4 to 1. Dolite Lime is added, one Tblspn. per gallon of growing medium. This medium will wick and store water, but has excellent drainage and air storage capacity as well. It is however, not very reusable, as it is difficult to recapture and sterilize after harvest. Use small size lava, 3/8" pea size, and rinse the dust off it, over and over, until most of it is gone. Wet the vermiculite (dangerous dry, wear a mask) and mix into pots. Square pots hold more than round.

Vermiculite will settle to bottom after repeated watering from the top, so only water from the top occasionally to leach any mineral deposits, and put more vermiculite on the top than the bottom. Punch holes in the bottom of the pots, and add water to the pan. It will be wicked up to the roots and the plants will have all they need to flourish. The reservoir is filled with 1 1/2 - 3 inches of water and allowed to recede between waterings. When possible, use less solution and water more often, to pull more oxygen to the roots faster over time. If you go away on vacation, simply fill the reservoirs full to the top, and the plants will be watered for 2 weeks at least. One really great hydroponic medium is Oasis floral foam.

Stick lots of holes into it to open it up a little, and start plants/clones in it, moving the cube of foam to rockwool later for larger growth stages. Many prefer floral foam, as it is inert, and adds no PH factors. It's expensive though, and tends to crumble easily. I'm also not sure it's very reusable, but it seems to be a popular item at the indoor gardening centers. Planting can be made easier with hydroponic mediums that require little setup such as rockwool. Rockwool cubes can be reused several times, and are premade to use for hydroponics. Some advantages of rockwool are that it is impossible to over water and there is no transplanting.

Just place the plant's cube on top of a larger rockwool cube and enjoy your extra leisure time. Some find it best to save money by not buying rockwool and spending time planting in soil or hydroponic mediums such as vermiculite/lava mix. Pearlite is nice, since it is so light. Pearlite can be used instead of or in addition to lava, which must be rinsed and is much heavier. But rockwool has many advantages that are not appreciated until you spend hours repotting; take a second look. It is not very expensive, and it is reusable.

It's more stable than floral foam, which crunches and powders easily. Rockwool holds 10 times more water than soil, yet is impossible to over-water, because it always retains a high percentage of air. Best of all, there is no transplanting; just place a starter cube into a rockwool grow cube, and when the plant gets very large, place that cube on a rockwool slab. Since rockwool is easily reused over and over, the cost is divided by 3 or 4 crops, and ends up costing no more than vermiculite and lava, which is much more difficult to reclaim, sterilize and reuse (repot) when compared to rockwool. Vermiculite is also very dangerous when dry, and ends up getting in the carpet and into the air when you touch it (even wet), since it dries on the fingers and becomes airborne. For this reason, I do not recommend vermiculite indoors. Rockwool's disadvantages are relatively few. It is alkaline PH, so you must use something in the nutrient solution to make it acidic (5.5) so that it brings the rockwool down from 7.7, to 6.5 (vinegar works great.) And it is irritating to the skin when dry, but is not a problem when wet. To pre-treat rockwool for planting, soak it in a solution of fish emulsion, trace mineral solution and phosphoresic acid (PH Down) for 24 hours, then rinse.

This will decrease the need for PH worries later on, as it buffers the rockwool PH to be fairly neutral. Hydroponics should be used indoors or in greenhouses to speed the growth of plants, so you have more bud in less time. Hydroponics allows you to water the plants daily, and this will speed growth. The main difference between hydroponics and soil growing is that the hydroponic soil or "medium" is made to hold moisture, but drain well, so that there are no over-watering problems associated with continuous watering. Also, hydroponically grown plants do not derive nutrients from soil, but from the solution used to water the plants.

Hydroponics reduces worries about mineral buildup in soil, and lack of oxygen to suffocating roots, so leaching is usually not necessary with hydroponics. Hydroponics allows you to use smaller containers for the same given size plant, when compared to growing in soil. A 3/4 gallon pot can easily take a small hydroponically grown plant to maturity. This would be difficult to do in soil, since nutrients are soon used up and roots become cut-off from oxygen as they become root-bound in soil.

This problem does not seem to occur nearly as quickly for hydroponic plants, since the roots can still take up nutrients from the constant solution feedings, and the medium passes on oxygen much more readily when the roots become bound in the small container. Plant food is administered with most waterings, and allows the gardener to strictly control what nutrients are available to the plants at the different stages of plant growth. Watering can be automated to some degree with simple and cheap drip system apparatus, so take advantage of this when possible. Hydroponics will hasten growing time, so it takes less time to harvest after planting. It makes sense to use simple passive hydroponic techniques when possible. Hydroponics may not be desirable if your growing outdoors, unless you have a greenhouse.

CAUTION: it is necessary keep close watch of plants to be sure they are never allowed to dry too much when growing hydroponically, or roots will be damaged. If you will not be able to tend to the garden every day, be sure the pans are filled enough to last until next time you return, or you can easily lose your crop. More traditional hydroponic methods (active) are not discussed here. I don't see any point in making it more difficult than it needs to be. It is necessary to change the solution every month if your circulating it with a pump, but the reservoir system does away with this problem. Just rinse the medium once a month or so to prevent salts build up by watering from the top of the pot or rockwool cube with pure water.

Change plant foods often to avoid deficiencies in the plants. I recommend using 2 different plant foods for each phase of growth, or 4 foods total, to lessen chances of any type of deficiency. Change the solution more often if you notice the PH is going down quickly (too acid). Due to cationic exchange, solution will tend to get too acid over time, and this will cause nutrients to become unavailable to the plants.

Check PH of the medium every time you water to be sure no PH issues are occurring. Algae will tend to grow on the medium with higher humidities in hydroponics. It will turn a slab of rockwool dark green. To prevent this, use the plastic cover the rockwool came in to cover rockwool slab tops, with holes cut for the plants to stick out of it. It's easy to cut a packaged slab of rockwool into two pieces, then cut the end of the plastic off each piece. You now have two pieces of slab, each covered with plastic except on the very ends.

Now cut 2 or 3 4" square holes in the top to place cubes on it, and place each piece in a clean litter pan. Now your ready to treat the rockwool as described above in anticipation of planting. If growing in pots, a layer of gravel at the top of a pot may help reduce algae growth, since it will dry very quickly. Algae is merely messy and unsightly; it will not actually cause any complications with the plants.


Active Member
ok here is one for u what neuts should i use a s i am a total noob to growing, hesi or bio bizz ie what one is more forgiving for a new grower and soil types i was thinking start off in bio bizz light then move on to al mix for flowering does that sound right


Well-Known Member
do u have any advice on what would be a best system that can sustain it self for a few days to a week,soil or hydro,curently im growing in soil and i know im gonna have to leave town in about 3 months for a week maybe so now im thinking is there a way to make a watering system for them to survive


Well-Known Member
In soil you can use a tub with a submersible pump on a timer set for every few days.
Test the flow rate, then set the timer to stay on long enough to water fully.

In hydro it is all on timers so no problems there.


Well-Known Member
ok here is one for u what neuts should i use a s i am a total noob to growing, hesi or bio bizz ie what one is more forgiving for a new grower and soil types i was thinking start off in bio bizz light then move on to al mix for flowering does that sound right
Alright for vegatative stage I woud use a 20-20-20 fertilizer. But do not fertilize until the little seedling has sprouted its first fourth or fifth node. read the instructions on the box. Use 1/4 strength to be careful and feed when your lights are off 2-3 times a week now remember if the soil is over watered they will die. So make sure the soil has good drainage. Rule of thumb. Feeding weed plants more does not make them grow faster they will burn. 2. Only water when the soil is dry below 1/2 an inch from the top of the soil.3. Temps should be at least 70 degreesF - never above85. Humidity is nice so if you want every once and a while (for seedlings) lightly mist em when they get bigger u can soak. But not too much.


Well-Known Member
do u have any advice on what would be a best system that can sustain it self for a few days to a week,soil or hydro,curently im growing in soil and i know im gonna have to leave town in about 3 months for a week maybe so now im thinking is there a way to make a watering system for them to survive
Sorry aI didnt get to u on time just get a submersable pump. And set a time to it. make sure to check it so it dont over water.


Well-Known Member
timer i mean you can get em cheap.......oh and vader u can use a high bloom flwering fertilizer with higher phosphorus somthin like 8-34-8. This should be good when you change your lights to 12-12. You can find this stuff all at a hardware store.


Well-Known Member
And vader u can start with a lighter soil cause it has vermaculite and peat moss. That is good for little roots of plants. Just make sure it is the right ph. 6.2-7.0 u can get a ph meter for a couple of bucks at a h ardware shop. Try addin some perlite for good drainage.


Active Member
Hi man nice to here there people like you ready to help, my Q is when do i start to give the plant light i have a 600 watt bulb, and if you could give me times of light they need, and when to start puting the light on. At the min my seeds are in a damp paper towel in a dark room, the seeds are blue cheese , i no your probley like this lad has no clue and your right lol but hopfully after a few trial and fail ill get there with help from people like you n1 in advance for the info Mike


Well-Known Member
Hi man nice to here there people like you ready to help, my Q is when do i start to give the plant light i have a 600 watt bulb, and if you could give me times of light they need, and when to start puting the light on. At the min my seeds are in a damp paper towel in a dark room, the seeds are blue cheese , i no your probley like this lad has no clue and your right lol but hopfully after a few trial and fail ill get there with help from people like you n1 in advance for the info Mike
When germinating try not to get the paper towel roo hot or wet just damp. The seeds need a little warmth so find a way to give the seeds warmth but keep em dark and not too hot at the same time. Am for around70-75 degrees or room temp. Seed will germinate in a couple of days but some seeds take 10 days to germinate so give em time. Once the seed has a taproot( little white shoot comin out of the seed) when taht gets bout a 1.4 inch long plant it 1.4 inch deep into soil (be care ful use cotton glove ) plant it root down and lightly cover with your medium. When you put the lights on you have two options 18-6 or keep 18-6 until its first five leaf sprouts and put it on for 24 hours this dosnt always make it grow faster but 18-6 is more natural. Try not to over water your seedling just when the top of the soil is dry. Once waterafter buriul of the seedling and poking a hole in a plastic cup an puting it over the seedling area until it sprouts it first leaves. It should be ok for a week.