Newb's First Grow Stealth Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
well as of right now I have a Target Vortex Fan just aiming out of the closet, to circulate air, and then I have the humidifier acting as an oscillating fan blowing over the plants with a homemade deflector. We've been having some hot weather in cali too though, so I've been dyin in my apartment too. I'm working on having our air-conditioner fixed so that there will be less worry. I might even be able to get the lights in tonight and take some pics of it.


Well-Known Member
well as of right now I have a Target Vortex Fan just aiming out of the closet, to circulate air, and then I have the humidifier acting as an oscillating fan blowing over the plants with a homemade deflector. We've been having some hot weather in cali too though, so I've been dyin in my apartment too. I'm working on having our air-conditioner fixed so that there will be less worry. I might even be able to get the lights in tonight and take some pics of it.
warm climate with no AC ... gotcha. yep - need that AC.


Active Member
PurfectStorm, i was just wondering where did u get your stealth system. Was it And if it was, i have been hearing alot of problems with peoples systems, and they rip people off. Just wondering because i am about to buy one. Or if anyone had any suggestions, should i make one?
"Any words from any experienced grower is deeply appreciated


Well-Known Member
Well to answer your question, yes I did get it from

I think a while back they had a big light stocking issue and were taking very long to fill peoples orders. It took me 3 months just to get mine. I am pretty sure they have remedied the problem though as they sent a broken replacement bulb to me within a week.

I STRONGLY urge you to just read how to make one in somebody else's DIY threads, but perphaps making it to the same specifications of StealthHydroponics so that you could order their nutrients, and take care of that easily. Otherwise the entire system could be pieced together with a fraction of the money by just making a trip to Walmart, Home Depot, and/or an aquarium store. Chances are even if you purchased the StealthHydro System, you would still have to make a couple runs to these place anyways to complete the setup.

A couple improvements I would make with the system
-increase # of bubblestones attached to the airpump.
-increase the reservoir size so that the plants have more space in between each other and aren't quite so cramped.

By no means are these kits comprehensive, even if they include lights, because to make a Stealth Hydroponic grow, you will need ventilation, I have since spent an extra 200-300 dollars on top of my kit with lights, just to get a decent environment.

All I know that my next more permanent setup will probably only be salvaging parts and lights from this first kit, and not much else.


Well-Known Member

Here are some updated pictures of the babies at Day 10 of Vegging. I was also wondering. If I wanted a harvest around mid-june, what time would I want to start flowering?

Last picture is of the makeshift ventilation I have going right now, consisting of Target fan and humidifier/crate-deflector combo.

I have some fleece curtains I installed to light proof the room with the door closed.



Active Member
Perfectstorm, I have the same system and it seems to be working well. Are you using the nutrients that Stealth sent you? How often are you using them and how much?


Well-Known Member
Perfectstorm, I have the same system and it seems to be working well. Are you using the nutrients that Stealth sent you? How often are you using them and how much?
Well since they are still pretty young I have only given them nutrients twice (half a packet each week).

Next week I will probably increase to full nutrients.

I was also considering putting these babies into 12/12 quite soon. I wanted to let my lil LA Con get a lil bigger before doing it, but I have read a few 12/12 from seed threads which may have changed my mind.

I would like to get a relatively large harvest, but because I would like to be done by mid to end June, I may go straight into flower. It seems like a good technique as I am using CFLs and wouldn't have much light penetration if they were bushy. I am sketchy about whether or not the fact that both plant's are indicas will make a difference (most people use this technique with sativas).

What are some other's opinions on the 12/12 and when I should start?


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of reading on other forums and discovered that I should hold off on the 12/12 cycle for two reasons. 1. Clones will launch directly into flowering (no more veg growth), and that Indicas will often stay stunted during flowering, so I wouldn't get much yield unless I wait a little longer.

On Another note, I am starting to encounter the first plant problem...which would be root rot. :sad: I am looking into buying an IceProbe, but will hafta use ice until monetary funds are scrounged. (so much for buying a new bong bongsmilie)

About how much Ice should i be putting in the reservoir and how often? Also do you recommend a Hydrogen peroxide rinse (I am unsure about how to this the easiest way)?

and lastly...more pictures!



Well-Known Member
using CFLs to flower means not getting the most yield. you can not reach the plants full potential using CFLs - that does not mean you can't get awesome bud - it just means you can't grow 3-5 feet high monsters. If you are using HIDs to flower then wait. If you are using CFLs to flower, you'll have to switch to 12/12 before they reach full potential... sorry.

Clones taken from a flowering plant and put into 24 hour light cycle will revert back to veg and start growing roots in a few weeks. though it is usually recommended to take clones before flowering.

I have not had to use Hydrogen Peroxide nor do i put ice in my res so can not answer your other questions.


Well-Known Member
Well Day 12 of vegging's pics are a half hour late. I tried using a frozen water bottle in the resevoir today, i should probably move up to alternating off two of them. MAJOR HASSLE. Aside from that, the Bubba Kush are owning the LA Confidential in terms of growth.

So Email at what height do you think i should begin the flowering? I will be doubling up the flourescent wattage to 340, and good go to 386 if needed. Do you think I should start this weekend even?



Well-Known Member
Well Day 12 of vegging's pics are a half hour late. I tried using a frozen water bottle in the resevoir today, i should probably move up to alternating off two of them. MAJOR HASSLE. Aside from that, the Bubba Kush are owning the LA Confidential in terms of growth.

So Email at what height do you think i should begin the flowering? I will be doubling up the flourescent wattage to 340, and good go to 386 if needed. Do you think I should start this weekend even?
i wish i could be more specific but i don't have any CFL experience. I do know that CFLs don't have the light penetration of HIDs and you should flower earlier. There is a CFL forum that should have more accurate information and knowledgeable and CFL-experienced growers.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so first off I'm going to admit that I haven't read this thread in a while, and haven't looked at the last two pages.

I would let them bush out a bit before flowering them, but if you are set on a harvest time, then flower them now, and they will continue to develop strength as they flower.

You have a shit-ton of lumens in there, so I think you're in good shape. I wouldn't worry too much about them getting a little bit taller. You can set something up around the perimeter to perform some LST, and hence keep the canopy at one height while exposing many many budding locations. This also allows you to put the lights very close to the canopy and you should be in good shape. I just did this with a little CFL box and it worked beautifully.

One thing I found is that putting reflective mylar on the surface above horizontally mounted CFLs helped a lot in keep light directed at the plants, considering much of their light is headed that direction.

I figured out why the penetration and power for equivalent lumens CFLs is less than HIDs - it has to do with the spacing of the bulbs and reflectors. It's a work of stoner physics that probably won't see the light of day.

Good luck. Looks great so far.


Well-Known Member
Well well well guys, i definitely got some big packages yesterday. My Td-100X Soler and Palau fan came in, along with 25 feet of insulated ducting and my Original Can filter. I also went out and bought a bigger reservoir (18 gallon instead of 6) so that I could give the plants a little more space to bush out.

I am gonna be really busy this weekend though (4/20), so I am not quite sure when all of the changes will go into effect. The plants are starting to grow over themselves right now, and definitely need the transplant. I have already hooked up the Soler & Palau fan, and can assure you it is the most quiet fan i have heard in awhile, my humidifier is definitely now my loudest component. I will probably cut up the wall/exhaust tomorrow, and drill the flange into the filter.

pics. of the new toys will be up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody here is my 4/20 update of the grow journal to show off what has been done with the grow room...looks a little more down to business.

A hole was cut in the sheet rock ceiling and ducting was routed up inside for about 4 feet into the crawlspace, good thing is I could see daylight up inside the crawlspace, so its a good place to vent out. It is 4 inch insulated ducting, which is hooked up to the fan, and the an alternating length that can either go to exhaust the lights, or be attached to the carbon scrubber (once they start gettin smelly).

It still is pretty hot in there, and I will need to figure out a way to exhaust better, as 140 cfm through a massive carbon scrubber doesn't feel like its pulling much, and it hits about 84 degrees in there.

All 4 85 watters are now hooked up, and they're bright (and hot) as balls.

I also upgraded to a new larger reservoir so that the plants wont be quite so cramped. To offset the increase in gallon size we sunk some 2 liters into the bottom to bring up the water level some. All original irrigation tubing is still being used, and its muchhh more spacious.

Overall, a good hard days work on 4/20, time for me to really enjoy myself. :peace: out.



Active Member
I have four ww plants in a six gallon bubbleponic system under 2 dual spectrum 65's and a 1,000 w hps. I am using Ionic grow nutrients and gave them half of a cup Friday night. Saturday afternoon I was already seeing what appears to be a magnesium problem. Should I dump half the water and fill up with fresh? Will it go away on its own? I am getting slight curling and yellowing on some of the leaves, It almost looks like they might be getting burned but the hps is like 2 feet above. Advise would be appreciated.