Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
Yes It was his idea. Leggo is awesome its all in fun.Or you could make the thread and when he gets back he can check it out.


Well-Known Member
LMAO Y'all are some beetches!!

Yeah I'm totally having a veg out, puff, eat day... I've been typing on my iPhone all day lol

got a couple ideas, lemme play around and expect something tomorrow morning :D


Well-Known Member
I am liking the 'fight club' references... good have some fun with that

also like "DEEP" but dont know how

I haven't hopped on adobe in awhile anyway, need an excuse


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 7:
Incredible growth!! Sway is now close to 20"... yesterday she was 17-18"!!! Fox is around 19"... Jane, 18".

Thinking I'm seeing more pistils at the top (i hope i hope i hope i hope) forming the cola?! Starting to get nervous, thought I'd see buds quick since they pre-flowered so nicely :-/


We got sidetrack on the DWC club thing... I'm gonna re-ask a couple questions,

1: Should I trim any large fan leaves that are blocking lower bud sites??

2: Should all pistil still be white? Because it seems like some older pistils are more of a orangish/redish color? May just be HPS trick lighting


New Member
Flower Day 7:
Incredible growth!! Sway is now close to 20"... yesterday she was 17-18"!!! Fox is around 19"... Jane, 18".

Thinking I'm seeing more pistils at the top (i hope i hope i hope i hope) forming the cola?! Starting to get nervous, thought I'd see buds quick since they pre-flowered so nicely :-/


We got sidetrack on the DWC club thing... I'm gonna re-ask a couple questions,

1: Should I trim any large fan leaves that are blocking lower bud sites??

2: Should all pistil still be white? Because it seems like some older pistils are more of a orangish/redish color? May just be HPS trick lighting
i trimmed a few fan leaves and it didnt hurt any.


Well-Known Member
Leggo dude. those things are growing like crazy. Just look @ my last grow..Sometimes pistils change colors...On my plants certain buds even stayed white until later. But in the end all my buds in the jar have turned bright red and orange..Ive seen black buds on here with pink pistils so i think it all comes down to strains.


Well-Known Member

Still growing! That be-utch, Sway, is over 21"! Went and removed another set of phonebooks to move them a couple inches away from the HPS.

Trimmed three (3) larger fan leaves from the lower middle of the mini "SOG" that were covering many bud-sites... hope they didnt get too hurt

Waters a little low, not too bad, pH is fine... going to try and make this res change at 2 weeks... running low on my bloom nutes, and I got gifts to buy LOL

Really thinking I'm seeing what's the forming of the Cola on Jane, lots of pistils around the new growth, sound about right??

Thats about it, all looking good.

Deciding more about what to grow next... Strawberry Cough (for sure) plus AK-47 or Blueberry or Bagseed? Or a couple??

Okay, gonna go work on the DWC Club design(s)...



Well-Known Member
Those aks look like they are going to end up being tasty bro.I seen some pix of ak 48 somewhere with pink pistils.Those buds look sik tho.^