Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
Good job bro.. ur ready for flower now. I think U may have misread one of my posts, it really depends on strains and veg hieght for final yields. I veg my sativas to about 14 inches and they barely double in size @ HARVEST (durban poison) with a yield of about 3/4 to 1-1/4 zips per plant...ON the other hand indicas can do very wierd things during flower like tripple in size + towering colas and yield averagely around 1.5-2.5 zips per plant when vegged to a foot tall...Anyways ur almost a pot pimp bro...I told u to chill bish!


Well-Known Member
Good deal... I'm just hoping for 1 zip a plant... think thats still possible? I think my AKs are about 50/50 in sativa/indica department. Its the first official morning of 'flower' and they've already gained another inch since yesterday, they are officially 1 foot today! How fitting is that??


Active Member
hey thanks for that link for the light figure i'd subscribe and see how your girls turn out. Hopefully mine will look that good.


Well-Known Member
Great plant, i love how you have improved and learnt on your mistake also im glad that hater Yunemune or whatever has fucked off he was a total douche, keep on growing! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Great plant, i love how you have improved and learnt on your mistake also im glad that hater Yunemune or whatever has fucked off he was a total douche, keep on growing! :peace:
Thanks, but Yunemune isn't a douche, he's answered a lot of my questions, just may come off wrong...

Now there are others who could learn a couple manners, forget names, and thats probably for the best lol... telling me to cut my sh*t down... bastardos


Well-Known Member

Hurray, today is the first official day of flower, they got all their bloom nutes, went to bed early and woke up a little late (have them about 8a-8p now)

I am using GH's 'bloom' recipé, soon to go to 'aggressive bloom' I'm sure

Fox and Jane hit 1 foot today (which was my goal!), but getting close to the HPS (less than the min 4")... so I removed the trunk the DWC was on, and put the phonebooks back there... every few days/week I'll remove a set of books until the DWC is sitting restfully on the floor

I'll be adding some soft white CFLs for the lower parts, at first I thought I may set up a power strip at the base of the plants pointing three lights up, but now thinking I may jump clap some lights on the side of the hoods for some side lighting, we'll play and see

still working on the odor issue... thinking I will be doing some type of carbon filter/fan thing, may skip the expensive ONA and also do some type of febreeze/fan air freshner on top of the carbon filter

Thats about it, happy budding.


New Member

Hurray, today is the first official day of flower, they got all their bloom nutes, went to bed early and woke up a little late (have them about 8a-8p now)

I am using GH's 'bloom' recipé, soon to go to 'aggressive bloom' I'm sure

Fox and Jane hit 1 foot today (which was my goal!), but getting close to the HPS (less than the min 4")... so I removed the trunk the DWC was on, and put the phonebooks back there... every few days/week I'll remove a set of books until the DWC is sitting restfully on the floor

I'll be adding some soft white CFLs for the lower parts, at first I thought I may set up a power strip at the base of the plants pointing three lights up, but now thinking I may jump clap some lights on the side of the hoods for some side lighting, we'll play and see

still working on the odor issue... thinking I will be doing some type of carbon filter/fan thing, may skip the expensive ONA and also do some type of febreeze/fan air freshner on top of the carbon filter

Thats about it, happy budding.
Loving it!!! Hopefully you get some big colas there.


Active Member
Hey Guys, wassup? It's been ages.

The girls are looking good leggo, all the hard work is done now you can sit back and watch them bitches. You're gonna get so psyched when that bud starts to grow!

If you wanna do something (not very drastic) that may help with the height difference issue, one method i've had a fair bit of success with is to stick some blue tinge cfl's (cool white) over the taller ones and a redish (warm white) light over the shorter ones to promote stretch. It may just work enough to make the difference. I've had a fair amount of luck with it. In fact, i went as far as to use a 400 MH bulb during an entire flower once, we had some identical clones under 400w HPS in another room (except it was taller) and the ones under the MH were a solid 6" shorter and harvest time. Sure, maybe the bud wasn't quite as dense but there really wasn't that much difference in yield and quality, Man that bud off it was sooooooo nice, nicer i'd say than the HPS. I miss those girls, we lost the mum a year or two back and cried. Oh Cindy99!


Anyway guys, off to bed, lots of packing still to do and removals men coming Thursday. Aaarrrggghhhh! But it'll be worth it in the end, when i'm back in the uk and can start growing again. Yay!

By the way, obviously I'm one of those Brit-types across the pond and ain't that familiar with your strange twist on the language :P

Wonder if you could explain to me what your unit of measurement of a 'Zip' is please?

Anyway guys, chill, toke, peace and spliffs all round.



Well-Known Member
LOL welcome back! wondered where you went.. good luck with the move

a 'zip' is an ounce.. I had to ask myself


Active Member
That REDANKULOUS, i been here reading this from page one. It is truely amazing how this herb grows =))))
i am planning to do my first grow this coming may, but outdoors.
well happy growing!!!!!!
and may the dank be with you!


Well-Known Member

Day 4 of Flower:
Not really a whole lot to chap about... no real 'budding' yet; the girls are slowing down their vegging growth for sure, not seeing a lot of new growth at the top, just fan leaves getting bigger, and the plants getting taller. Have fan leaves with 11 blades on them!! Jane and Fox are 14" now

Water is in good condition, next time i top I'll probably boost up nutes to GH's 'aggressive bloom' recipe. Shouldn't go too wrong, since bloom nutes are harder to OD on lol

more bushiness...

Still no carbon filter, that may this weekend's project

Any guesses for yield? lol the age old question


Well-Known Member
regular... bag seed actually, well kinda... from a bag of my friends grow, and their mom was a 'serious seed'

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking great Leggo. I wish some of those lames that were hatin a few weeks ago would come back now to see what sticking with it does for you. And to think a couple people told you to chop them plants down and start over! Look what you would have missed.

One thing you will notice is that "veg" growth is not really going to slow down in early flower. They will begin to stretch taller but they will also continue to grow new fan leaves for another two or three weeks. At about 3 weeks into flower is when all veg-type growth will slow down and stop. At that point they will stop growing taller and stop growing new leaves. Just buds - that's when taking care of them gets super easy. No moving of lights or anything. It's awesome.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh and I got that ozone generator I was talking about before. If the $40 for a gallon of ONA is too expensive then the $150 ozone gen is definitely not in the running but my odor worries have been put to rest... COMPLETELY. I guess just keep it in mind for the future. You'll be totally fine with just 3 plants this time.