Okay ladies and gentlemen, time for this weeks status update;
The bubbler is bubbling, and I can say with assurity today that I've successfuly cloned this strain of MJ.
Inside the veg. cabinet, you see the mother plant, the two early flower weird plants that are finnally coming around, and the rooted clones that are scheduled to go into the flower room in three weeks time.
So the flower room is looking absolutely stunning this week. The pest problems are behind me, and some additional nutrient regimes are garnering very positive results. Four of these plants are at 4 weeks, two are at 2 weeks, have a look;

I mentioned last week that a sample was taken, it was subsequently used by myself and spouse, and gifted to two others to test who are regular users. It set us all on our collective asses, wholly, I'm not a regular user but go on and off, my spouse is for med. reasons, the other two are daily recreational users. The two regular users actually complained that it is just too strong, my spouse says its good, but should be reserved for nightime use, and I think it altered my mind. This is a pic of the sample in question;

In conclusion this week, I report massive trich production. Under the scope, 20% milky can be seen, as well as the odd amber one already. By the time these plants reach maturity, its going to be some really crazy shit!!!!
This week I will have to take one plant and early harvest to make room for the next two scheduled to into flower. I am on track to my goal of producing perpetually, two plants every other week...............rock-on!!!!!!!!