Newby Set Up, Advice Needed/Appreciated


Well-Known Member
I was asking about a new set up I'm planning in another thread ( and am still looking for a bit of advice. I've never done a propper grow before but I've been reading the forums here for long enough to pick up a bit on info needed. For my first couple of grows I'll be doing it more as a trial than expecting big results. I'll also be looking to grow with soil.

I think I'm going to go with one 200 watt CFL to start with, 2700k. Will this light be ok for the whole process? As things advance I'll invest in lights more suited for veg but for the time being I think I'll just go with one 2700k bulb. I think this is the bulb I'm going to go for, with the socket and cord from this page: Does anyone have experience with either comapny and ordered to Canada or could you advise me towards somewhere else reliable? I'm also looking for a reflector can someone advise me there also? I might try to make some sort of home made reflector.

I'm looking at getting Swiss Cheese seeds from Nirvana and their ultimate grow kit. Does anyone have any experience with either and have you ordered to Canada?

I'll be looking at growing in a small closet. So far it's painted white on the inside, would mylar still be necessary? Also I'm not sure how I'd go about installing intake and outtake fans. Would a normal desk fan blowing with the closet door open for a few hours a day be ok or are other fans completly necessary?

Any advice or info is appreciated. thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Heard the Swiss Cheese is no good. Any cheese strain really stinks not a good thing
Why would you buy overseas when Canada has two great seedbanks ?
Forget about the grow kit, paper towels and a couple of plates on top of a hot water tank will work as good.
I'd go with the a dual spectrum CFL for a full grow light. (Purple)
Mylar would not be necessary with white. No idea for a reflector source.
Two good low odor starter strains at said seedbanks.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more interested in the grow kit because it seems to come with tablets for veg and flowering, would these be enough or would more neutes need to be added as well? I might go with the dual spec then, they're 5000 k right?


Well-Known Member
I'd be more interested in the grow kit because it seems to come with tablets for veg and flowering, would these be enough or would more neutes need to be added as well? I might go with the dual spec then, they're 5000 k right?
I don't know about the tablets, I use nutes I bought at Wal Mart 20-20-20 & 15-30-15
Yeah 5000 K, personally I'd rather have one of each 6500 K & 2700 K though.
or better yet 6500 K for vegging and a HPS for flowering.


Well-Known Member
As I get as bit more experienced I'll move on to HPS etc. I'm just trying to keep it as simple as possible for the time being, just to do a few trial runs.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to spend the money on that light and fixture, you might as well go for a small HPS right off the bat. You should be able to find them on the net for around 120 for a 250 watt. As far as fans, you should have a true intake and exhaust for circulation to get the most out of your grow. Just having a small fan blowing on them won't be enough when you are just recirculating the same air. Don't get me wrong, the plants will still grow, but they will be breathing the same air all the time, and you won't effectively exhaust hot air out of your grow area.


Well-Known Member
I'll consider a HPS. Can you point me in the direction of a reliable site to but one? I checked e-bay, they seemed to have some good deals there. Is there anywhere else that u'd recomend?


Well-Known Member
I'll consider a HPS. Can you point me in the direction of a reliable site to but one? I checked e-bay, they seemed to have some good deals there. Is there anywhere else that u'd recomend?
I bought mine from HTG supply. Be warned though, some people have had bad experiences with that outfit. Me on the other hand, I've placed a few orders with them and have never had a problem. Of course you could probably say that about most any place haha. Good luck :blsmoke: