News From Indonesia: Residents Dizziness When 3.3 Ton Marijuana Destroyed


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A number of residents Dizziness When 3.3 Ton Marijuana Destroyed. Dizziness What Giting Here?

Bang Paneh

So the story today, Wednesday, March 11, 2015, carried the burning of 3.3 tons of marijuana in the police field Palmerah. Because burned in space kebuka so, the results were burnt marijuana smoke was running into the surrounding environment.Well because not gunain mask, the journalists and local residents were admitted was dizzy inhaling the smoke of burnt marijuana. But heck usually when inhaled smoke marijuana, dizziness make tasty.

Well this should be a lesson to ya. Anyway if marijuana should destroy by fire so should know first impact will be created. Or may have to use other means lah, what kek so than in the fuel. Kan so strange that his intention would destroy Marijuana eh even make people around are not directly inhaled cannabis. Yeah not?