News of the Warm

there are too many countries whose governments refuse to admit "global warming" is real...they argue semantics while the sea level rises...right now i don't think you could get enough of them doing anything to make it effective on a global scale....and what would we be able to do? setting off nuclear explosions seems a very very poor choice, and probably not very effective on a global scale. triggering volcanoes seems to be equally risky and ineffective. if you somehow set one off big enough to eject enough material to lower temperatures, it would cause incredible damage locally, and agriculture would suffer for years. i just really don't think we can do a damn thing except try to stop contributing to the problem, and put efforts into dealing with it in the future.
To your other point of forced global cooling by volcano or nuclear war being catastrophic... Well, I agree.

I guess the best that can be said for such an option is to decide if humanity wants a 'small' catastrophe we can plan for or a larger one we can't avoid.

The climate effects we've seen so far are the result of just ONE DEGREE CELSIUS of warming. Imagine what 4 times that much will do.
Off the coast of East Africa in the Canary Islands chain is a landslide/volcano that is a ticking time bomb. If it goes it will create a tsunami that will devastate the state of Florida's 30 million residents and the eastern seaboard. The fires of the burning bodies will light the night sky, it will be medieval.
Actually the Midwest has had record rainfalls the last 7 years or so. I live in a flat farming area. Some rolling hills at the edge of Appalachia. I've seen more topsoil removed in the last few years from erosion than my whole life.