NEWWB but chillin with bare minimum.


I have a light. CFL 13 watt - Replacement for a 60 watt white light bulb.

Unknown seed.

good soil, decent fertilizer.

good fan blowing. excellent circulation.

water every two days, 2 (500mL) full water bottles.

Help a newb out with tips at this point. its 2 weeks into growth, so guess veg stage as you growers like to refer to it. what kind of plant is this?



Well-Known Member
If you don't know the plant, then there is no way for us to tell from a picture....All I can say is you are in the veg stage of growing some kind of weed.


well from my guess it looks like bagseed sativa cannabis regularis LOL. just look around man theres tons of great threds to help you on here no real advice except keep the light as close as possible when using CFLs


Active Member
calm down on nutrients.. those leaves look they some nutrient problem. feed them water mostly and maybe 1 feed aweek.


Well-Known Member
How close is your light?
I'd get sone more cfl's too,
With that single 13w your max yield MIGHT be an 8th...
I was going to guess a joint or two with only one 13 watter, you're quite optimistic.

Seriously, get at least two of the 42 watt bulbs or higher to get anything off that plant. No nutes for awhile, that thing is still small and young and will most likely burn. When you do start using nutrients, start small, see how it reacts, then move up gradually from there.


NEW PIC ONE WEEK BEFORE I switch to 12/12 lighting. no nutes except for soil and during veg state using two cfls with 6500k spectrum. about 2500 lumens on one plant. looking into hps however im not trying to go all out just seeing how this plant pans out. lemme know what you think this is the beginning of the 4th week of veg.
