next crazy idea. you have stealth hydro. i got remote hydro


Active Member
so yea, you can tell. im working on a system, i was so close to getting a bunch of blue poster board.

but im about to go home for the holidays, but dont wanna let ppl know of the plants.

i have a usb relay and cam connected to my laptop. i really need 1 more usb relay to control the ligjht, but thats on a analog timer. the current relay is for the feeding system. and of course the cam for eyes.

all talking to a feed on my web server.

remote hydro. lets talk. im blazed.


Well-Known Member
Blue poster board isnt going to reflect blue light unless your shining blue lights on it....It wont convert regular light into blue light....

The remote grow idea is alright, but why do it remote......why not just automate everything on timers like everyone else?

A webcam is not a bad idea, you can always see how things are, but I would leave it at that. Once you start trying to control your grow over the internet you will have problems, what if you do something remotely, but it fucks up. All you can do is sit there and watch it get fucked on your webcam.

If you automate everything while your there, you can test it, spend a couple days there making sure it runs smoothly, then you would just need to set up a webcam to see if everythings running good when your away.



Well-Known Member
I've been looking at some remote growin' too... i recently replaced all of my timers (6 of them) that were a pain in the ass to set, and kept going out any time i unplugged them or the power flashed for half a second.... i got a PLC to replace it all... and some solid state relays (they turn on 120v power when they get a 3-30v DC signal)... i spent a little time explaining all of this in this thread: i dont think i would ever put a webcam on my girls for security purposes (if anyone else can tap into that show, it could be your ass) - but the PLC is capable of doing everything remotely, i'm just looking for some real estate i can set up to run another garden now... its on ;-)


Active Member
I like the webcam idea. I have an old one lying around i will be hooking up to a computer that will not be linked to the internet (Just for security purposes). That is a great idea for a journal, very creative.