Next Generation

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Was wondering about these Guys .. i guess they are canadian genetics .. i never messed with canadian genetics b4 jus Cali .. but i was wondering if anyone has grown their seeds?? cuz that Grape God looks pretty dope . was thinking of giving them a shot .. any input would be great ...:peace:

Brick Top

New Member
Back in around 2004 and 2005 some people liked Next Generation Seeds gear but you do not hear all that much about them now on boards like this. The 'Dutch Masters' have stolen all the glory.

Here is an example of two people who grew Next Generation seeds gear and wrote smoke reports.

Dynamite Seeds from Next Generation Seeds

Grower reports: 3 Viewed: 106,172 times Rated by 3 users: 8.23/10 'Dynamite' from Next Generation Seeds
Lineage: Not Listed Family: Unknown or mixed family Origin: Not Listed Region: Not Listed Genotype: Indica Indoor Maturation: 45 to 50 days Outdoor Maturation: Oct 1 to Oct 15 Sex Possibilities: Standard (M/F) Stature: Somewhat short and squat Yield: Not Listed Odor Level: Not Listed Odor Description: Not Listed Taste Level: Not Listed Taste Description: Not Listed

Breeder's Description - 'Dynamite'

Squat growing Indica, huge main cola if bottoms trimmed. Dynamite is well known for heavy yields, and consistent high quality. Fruity resinous smoke very popular among locals. 1 week vegetation for sea of green. Can be harvested in 6-7 weeks, but if left longer pink / purple colors will show and the buds are sweeter.

Grower Report - NWGREENY on June 12, 2004, 2:17 pm
Dynamite from Next Generation Seeds rated 7.57

Overall Rating: 8
Effect: Somewhat couchlock Potency: 8
Stature: Somewhat short and squat Yield: 7
Phenotype: Mixed, Indica / Sativa Ease: 7
Indoor: 45 to 50 days Appearance: 7
Outdoor: Oct 1 to Oct 15 Odor Level: 8
Odor: Carbon filters a must. Very sweet fruity strong aroma. Taste Level: 8
Taste: Very strong and destinctive perfumy sweet aftertaste Grower's Tilt: 8
Sexes: Standard (M/F) SI Rating: Not Listed Vintage: May,
I purchased my dynamite seeds when on vacation in Vancouver about two years ago from a retail seed company there. All of the phenos were very similar in taste and apearence. The one that I chose was a medium stout quick finisher that put on a ton of resin and was very easy to grow.

In veg dynamite is very hardy and easy to clone. Clones usually root in 7-10 days using Dip & Grow and rockwool cubes. Once rooted the plants establish a root base quickly and out grow a keg cup in about 10 days with roots wrapped around the bottom. Using floros and then a MH. Once repotted the plants grow fast and start to put out very large deep green fan leaves.

In bloom dynamite stretches very little, about 20% of its original size when flipped. After its initial stretch it starts to grow white sticky hairs in abundance and has resin on the leaves from two and a half weeks on. Starting in week three the buds start to develop plant matter under the hairs and start to plump up and get a thicker coat of resin that easy rubs off on your clothes and fingers.

At thirty days you could harvest this thing with more resin than some plants I have seen at harvest. It starts to really put on weight well until 46 days or so then it starts to ripen quickly. I usually harvest at this point because if left longer the high can get really intense and tends to burn me out. I have let it go up to 60 days before and it does put on some wait between 45-60 days. The thing that is good about letting dynamite go is the colors that will come with colder temps. You will start to see purple start at the bottom of the bud and move up with beautiful hues that can leave it looking quite impressive.

Most people that try it say that it is the best weed they have ever smoked and I know why. The high is like a sledgehammer to the head followed with couchlock and munchies. It's everything that good kick ass weed should be. I am just more of a fan of workable and less intense weed that doesn't leave me burned out for the rest of the night. The high lasts about a hour and a half leaves my forehead and skull numb for most of it. Even though I prefer to smoke other strains most of the time dynamite is always good when you just want to smoke a bowl and get really high. I will always have a place in my garden for such pretty potent bud and because my friends love it.


Garden Information for this report
Bloom Wattage Used: 2100w to 5000w Average Plant Height: 6 Plants per Sq. Foot: Not Listed Average Yield per Plant: 6.00 Pruning or Plant Style: Tree Fertilization Method: Chemically fed
Veg: 1000w MH.

Bloom: 3000w HPS

Report added by: NWGREENY

Romulan x Sweet Skunk Seeds from Next Generation Seeds

Grower reports: 1 Viewed: 27,230 times Rated by 1 user: 8.14/10 'Romulan x Sweet Skunk' from Next Generation Seeds
Lineage: Not Listed Family: Skunk Origin: Not Listed Region: Not Listed Genotype: Mixed, primarily Sativa Indoor Maturation: 55 to 60 days Outdoor Maturation: Oct 15 to Oct 31 Sex Possibilities: Standard (M/F) Stature: Not Listed Yield: Not Listed Odor Level: Not Listed Odor Description: Not Listed Taste Level: Not Listed Taste Description: Piney flavour

Breeder's Description - 'Romulan x Sweet Skunk'

Fast growing and hardy. The Sativa dominant growth structure of the Sweet Skunk makes it quick to stretch meaning no vegetation time for sea of green. The Romulan lent its strong piney flavour. Great choice for medical growers, very potent and heady, most bang for your buck. Very versatile, works great in soil or hydro, buckets or tables.

Grower Report - doonugstem on January 14, 2005, 1:00 am
Romulan x Sweet Skunk from Next Generation Seeds rated 8.14

Overall Rating: 8
Effect: Nicely balanced Potency: 8
Stature: Somewhat tall and lanky Yield: 7
Phenotype: Mixed, primarily Sativa Ease: 8
Indoor: 80 to 85 days Appearance: 8
Outdoor: Not Listed Odor Level: 8
Odor: Pine sol Taste Level: 9
Taste: Definitely for the connesieur. Heavy, fruity pine flavour. Everyone's fav. Leaves your lips smackin'. Grower's Tilt: 9
Sexes: Standard (M/F) SI Rating: Not Listed Vintage: Not Listed
Vegged for about 3.5 weeks. Fed with Floranova veg and bloom.

Grown under a 250 hps in a homemade 5g bucket DWC. Yeilded 4.5 oz's of absolutely primo budz.

Smell and taste leave your mouth watering. Easy to grow, no problems. Definitely keepin' this one going.

First gen. clones under 600 hps producing a lot denser and crystalized nugz. Gets really tall, so not reccommended for grows with height restraints, but they don't start producing budz till about the 4 week so it's ok to give em a nice chop about the 3rd week of 12/12. Long flowering time, but worth the wait.

Clones Easily

Garden Information for this report
Bloom Wattage Used: 260w to 400w Average Plant Height: Not Listed Plants per Sq. Foot: Not Listed Average Yield per Plant: Not Listed Pruning or Plant Style: Bush Fertilization Method: Mix of chemical and organic

Report added by: doonugstem