next grow set up need input

guerrilla grower

Active Member
hey all you guys and gals. Im starting an indoor set up for the first time and I have an idea of how I want to do it but I would like some input from those with exp or those that have spent as much time as I have tralling forums. The idea is a perpetual grow with a harvest every 2.5 - 3 weeksish, I have a couple of Reserva Prevarda OG Kush seeds ( from Attitude seeds) that I will be playing with and here is the deal. I will be getting my hands on 1 x pc case and 1 x chest of draws. The pc case will be stripped and retrofitted like any other pc grow cases you have seen (although I will be taking my time and doing it right the first time so there is no light leaks). Once the pc case is ready it will be getting a 1.5L pot and 1 x 65w "green lamp" (green lamp is a brand) CLF it is a 6400k spectrum for veg putting out a modest 4300 lumens (I feel this should be enough for a mother plant) this pc box is purely to house a mother plant, once she is steady and looking healthy I will take a clone and set it in a home made clone "bubble" that I put together. It shall sit in the pc box for 2 weeks to veg (during this stage the clone will have light from the veg CFL as well as a 20w "green lamp" CLF putting out 1300 lumens at a 6400k spectrum), I fell that 2 CFLs should be enough with out any major heat issues as I will have 1 x 100mm inlet fan and 1 x 120mm outlet fan. Once my baby has finished veg its onto the "flower cabinet", (just an fyi all of this will be 100% stealth the pc and the flower cab will be built purely around stealth, and the cabinet will be scrog) the "flower cabinet" will be set up to have 3 plants at any one time in order from left to right the further to the left the closer to harvest. So a plant goes in and inside the cabinet/ chest of draws we will have spaced out 3 light racks on the ceiling (height adjustable) , it is just a square frame with a reflector made of gutters lined with mylar, housing (I think) 3 x 65w "green lamp" 2700k CFL pumping a nice 4300 lumens each, that means each plant will receive their own 195watts of light and 12900 lumens from each light rack. although the first rack will only have 2 2700k as I want a duel spectrum as not to shock the clone so it will have 1 6400k. To brake it down take clone, veg, plant to flower (each pot will have a scrog style frame over it to allow me to shuffle pots around freely) 2 weeks later another clone has vegged into the flower chamber, 2 weeks then another clone into the flower cabinet and then another 2 weeks and another clone is ready, the first harvest begins with the OG that's been in there for 8 weeks now. So that my idea please ask questions give some input and ideas and so on and so forth thanks for reading (im dyslexic please excuse the grammar) the lights I will be getting can all be found here and im using the b22 basses as im in Australia