How the fuck Matt Ryan making 40 mil a year?!?!?! Crazy....
This is the wildest off-season that I can remember. Ryan was a touch more mature about this than Mayfield was in Cleveland, but he’s near the end of his career. Worked out ok with Ryan getting traded to Indy.

The Watson deal is friggin nuts though. Serious PR rehab needed for Cleveland, NFL and Watson over that. If he plays well, all will be forgiven.

Mayfield may end up just getting released. Dude played hurt this year but with his at times petulant attitude he can be his own worst enemy.
Can't afford to pay both of them... We still have Keenum I do believe, and he did a great job subbing for Mayfield, so Baker is probably out of here.

I heard they are paying Watson one million this year, so if he loses 8 games for suspension it will cost him jack shit.
... How at the fuck Tyreek Hill a Dolphin? Wtf is happening?!?!??!? Please Pittsburgh on Parker i guess......
My Steeler buddy did say that they would most likely not go hard for Watson and they would also take a pass on the other high touted FA's. When they lost Ju-Ju ... he sent me quick little "Man I hate being right ..." text.
Steelers are dead in the water with that chump trubisky at QB. Even though they got a great RB, TE and receivers.