NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.


New Member

I have been on and off RIU for 5 years but never posted before only read. Used to use soil on Autopots switched to NFT had some good and some bad results.

I have Cheese growing in a 6ft NFT trays with two HPS lights above each tray. I had cuttings in 1' rockwell cubes transplanted into 4' cubes. hand fed (0.8 EC Canna Vega A+B and Roots accellerator. 0.6ish straight out the tap) on vermiculite for two weeks whilst under a combo of 250w CFL then 600w MH as they looked strong enough for MH.

So far so good.

Decided to transplant into NFT as the roots looked strong enough and the time constraints in the setting I am in. As I began to transplant them I could see that some of the cubes had roots that needed longer to grow before transplanting to NFT but had no time to do this.

Also I switched to using a stronger pump for each NFT tray (MJ1000 instead of the MJ500), from the last grow due to nute circulation problems in the past.

The upshot is that after two weeks in NFT the roots are not looking, good stubby off-white color at best and tiny little brown things at worst. Usually I would expect a lot more height increase for first two weeks of flower but whilst some have stretched OK others look really stunted. I think the combination of not letting them get root bound before transplanting and the raised water level with the new pump has suffocated my ladies badly:sad: . I've switched to 15min on 15min off the nute pump during light cycle and off completely at night as of this morning to try give them more air to root zone (usually I run nute pump 24/7). I've already got air stones in the res and a good strong pump for general nute mix in the res.

another contributing factor may be that in one res the E.C. spiked at 1.6 at the end of the first week. After starting at about 1.0-1.2 but I've been using a E.C. of 0.8.-1.0 this week in that res to try flush them a bit.

Feed: Canna A+B vega, roots accellerator, multi-zyme, dash of liquid oxygen (1.0-1.2 EC) Generally using a 50% feed of everything except roots accelerator which I am using 100% recommended. Weekly change

P.H. 5.5-6.3

Temps 68-84F / 20-29C (Bit wild I know trying to tame)

Res temp 62.5-69.8F / 17-21C

RH% 30-40 (This is about as humid as I can seem to get)

I hope this is enough information
I cannot post picks unfortunately but the info provided should be enough

What I really would like to know is:

  • Advice on how best to try encourage root growth.
  • Could a stronger pump and raised water level in the NFT tray be doing more harm than good, should I switch back to the weaker pump?

  • After 2 weeks of 12-12 should I try go back to 16-8 to encourage more growth for a couple of weeks or will that upset them even more.

Thanks in advance for any feedback I am feeling very upset for the poor girls.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned some of them are browning. Nute stain or are they slimy?

2 weeks of 12/12 has already stimulated the plants hormones to start flowering. Switching back now would have pretty bad results given my personal experience in doing this. My plant just stopped doing anything for about 3 weeks, and when new shoots started growing they were strange looking/deformed. Highly recommend against it.


New Member
Pretty sure the brown is nute stain. I cant see any slime.

The roots seem to be growing well to the edge of the 4" rockwell cubes but not out of the cubes and onto the NFT spreader mat except the odd tap root. They look happier since I've put the nute pump onto 15 on/15 off but still not great. I thinking about switching back to the old nute pumps or use one of the more powerful pumps to feed two trays?

Also, I'm going to stick on 12/12. I've tried to reverse before and had weird deformed growth after weeeks of waiting.

Grateful for any more advice.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had some more advice for you bud, but it looks like you have everything in good shape. Even your spike to 1.6 EC isn't going to be enough to seriously stunt growth. I've had slowed growth from early transplanting so maybe that is the case here.


Well-Known Member
Not an NFT fan. Your issues are not unusual. Roots need a little 'me' time. Most growers wind up abandoning NFT for easier to control set ups. I have developed my own hybrid system based on 4 different hydro systems. If interested, you can click on my sig...

Anyway, I saw no mention of what size AIR Pump you are using to keep rez saturated with DO. AP size will depend on Rez Volume- another thing I did not see in your post

I use a 35 lpm air pump + 4 large oxy cylinders good for ~ 5, and MAYBE 10 gallons. Larger rez, just double the pumps. There are more powerful pumps but they run HOT and are NOISY


Well-Known Member
Not an NFT fan. Your issues are not unusual. Roots need a little 'me' time. Most growers wind up abandoning NFT for easier to control set ups. I have developed my own hybrid system based on 4 different hydro systems. If interested, you can click on my sig...

Anyway, I saw no mention of what size AIR Pump you are using to keep rez saturated with DO. AP size will depend on Rez Volume- another thing I did not see in your post

I use a 35 lpm air pump + 4 large oxy cylinders good for ~ 5, and MAYBE 10 gallons. Larger rez, just double the pumps. There are more powerful pumps but they run HOT and are NOISY
NFT does not require any air pumps
the motion of the shallow flowing solution provides excellent oxygen levels and very fast growth
i have used these systems for around 20 years they are very simple less complex than DWC and flood n drain imo
no noisy pumps the systems run silent :)
Of course your mileage may vary



Well-Known Member
Get a mazzei air injector 1078 and mag drive 9.5 pump and put it in your reservoir. Problem solved and stop using air stones and air pumps. Air stones clog and air pumps sux. I run this in a 16 gallon reservoir and my dissolved oxygen is at 9.10 run off 8.90 that is max saturation my roots are fish bones on top of fish bones on top of fish bones etc. It's all about maxing oxygen in your nutes. If you do use tubes with sprayers get some egg crate (light diffuser) cut to size wrap in silk screen and install in the bottom of your tubes this gives the roots something to lay on and gives drainage prevents roots damming the water also gives more space for oxygen to be absorbed. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hammer's experience is contrary to mine.

I am using the same 35 lpm air pump ($20) for several years. Totally quiet. I am 10 ft away as I write this, and all I hear is the bubbles breaking the surface. Also Oxystones (@ $4) don't clog or deteriorate. Hammer, how about a link to the Mazzei

Get a mazzei air injector 1078 and mag drive 9.5 pump and put it in your reservoir. Problem solved and stop using air stones and air pumps. Air stones clog and air pumps sux. I run this in a 16 gallon reservoir and my dissolved oxygen is at 9.10 run off 8.90 that is max saturation my roots are fish bones on top of fish bones on top of fish bones etc. It's all about maxing oxygen in your nutes. If you do use tubes get some egg crate (light diffuser) cut to size wrap in silk screen and install in the bottom of your tubes this gives the roots something to lay on and also gives more space for oxygen to be absorbed. Good luck


New Member
I think the whole scenario looks like a case of better luck next time.

PetFlora I have been considering to switching to some kind of bucket bubbler system for some time. I cant check the air pump capacity right now as they are sleeping but my res is 800L.

Mr Ganja I agree that you can run NFT without air supplementation but it cant hurt to play-safe particularly whilst the poor girls appear to be suffocating. LDN :wink:

Hammer21 I'm looking at those air injectors and they look the business. I'm not using a tube system but what you suggested with egg crates makes perfect sense. (Stop!.... Hammer time)

Thanks for the advice so far guys. Hope you are having a better season than me.

Scarlet 420

New Member
another contributing factor may be that in one res the E.C. spiked at 1.6 at the end of the first week. After starting at about 1.0-1.2 but I've been using a E.C. of 0.8.-1.0 this week in that res to try flush them a bit.

This!!!*^* your EC pen was telling you that they were spitting out nutes and just about taking water. Burnt! I thought 0.8 was a bit of a high starting point but your paragraph above has confirmed this. Next time, let the plants tell you when they want food, the EC will lower as they pull out the nutes from the water. When the PH also drops (instead of rises) thens it's time to swith to Aqua Flower. I also use this. Check the Canna website , its really good. My plants look great and stop playing with the timer. When water moves it has oxygen, THIS IS CRUCIAL therefore NFT roots cant suffocate unless they are lying in a puddle which isn't moving.



New Member
Thanks for the advice Scarlet your plants look happy.

Can I ask you how many stems per m2 you've got and under what bulb (600w/1000w)?

I'm asking because it looks like a nice setup


Well-Known Member
Scarlet and skunk- outstanding grows! :bigjoint:

Thinking about how I monitor. I check ppms of each rez every morning, then adjust accordingly- water or nutes

Thinking through during early flower (~5-600ppm), when they are beginning to eat lots of nutes...

I am thinking to make the refresh volume at the next bump. That way I can adjust up with each replenishment. My weekly bumps are ~ 100, so 500>600>700 and this time I am going to max at 800, to see how well my high performance rez is doing. Think of it like a turbo charger, or maybe running 'nitro' 24/7, and it's totally passive, functioning 100% 24/7 Anyway...

I'll bump it ~ 15ppms daily (x 7 = the next fresh rez ppm), making that transition smooth. Not it sure it matters that much after 600 though.

Gotta play. Inquiring minds want to know, plus, it doesn't cost anything


New Member
Plants look great with 4 weeks left. You are not running any aeration other than the nutes falling off the tray into the res is that right?
Are you using Rockwool cubes cuttings from 1' to 3'/4' before transplanting?
Do you have any advice on how best to go through the different size cubes to the NFT tray smoothly (e.g. how long for each phase, how often do you water, using what light, temps and RH% etc.)? It's always the transplanting process i find tricky. Sometimes I have no problems other times it really slows the plants down.

Thanks in advance for any more advice. (Based in the big smoke myself)