NFT system help


Well-Known Member
Hi all haven't been on in a while, thank the lord my old loggin worked. Anyway have decided to pull the old green fingers back out as my friend gave me his 8ft x3ft nft system so I thought I might as well put it to good use.
The only thing is, is that I don't have much experience with this setup. Have got it all ready under 3 x 600w HPS and have about 10 cheese cuttings ready to go in there but at the moment the cuttings are in a aeroponics pouting changer at moment in 2inch rockwool cubes.
So do you think it's best to replant them into 4" rockwool and then place into the tray or should I go for a small netted pot with some clay pebbles for stability.

That is also a concern, stability.

If anyone has any info or if you use this system yourself or have done in the past let me know your thoughts please.

Thanks in advance all



Well-Known Member
Always make sure their is a robust root system before they go into NFT, I strongly suggest you google "root air pruning" - basically you put the rockwool blocks on a mesh/grill tray like the oven trays and dip the rockwool block in water/nutrients about once a day for a few seconds and after a few weeks they have built up a HUGE amount of roots structure in the "4 block and absolutely explode in NFT every time my friend, and off course topping is also strongly recommended before NFT to get 4 huge main colas :-D


Well-Known Member
Hey mate thanks for the reply.

So what im gonna do is take the cutting that are in 2" cubes and ut the into 4" ones and just dip them in water once a day for about 5-7day and then when i see roots coming from below of the 4" cube il put them into the NFT trays. Also was thinking with the fans running and that wouldnt they be a little un stable just in a 4" cube? My friend has had really good results with this NFT tray but he did also warm me that when a problme occurs its a massive one , so just wanna avoid as much trouble as posible first time round.

This is the system im gonna be using.

Again thanks in adanve and any info is more than welcome



Well-Known Member
Don't just put them in NFT when you see a few roots poking out of the "4 rockwool, wait a few weeks at least, after that you will see hundreds of roots that have stopped because they met air, this is what you must aim for, growth in NFT with this root system is incredible

Warning, if you do not have sufficient root system in NFT the rockwool will get flooded and roots will drown and die. I made a small homemade fan from a couple of old pc fans i had lying around the house that is perfect with a low voltage adapter, ideal for clones/seedlings, oh and remember use a roll of tray lining.


Well-Known Member
Ok so do it for 2 weeks and When I see enough roots place in the nft tray. Also how many would you say I can fit in a 6ft x 3ft multi duct Tray. I dont wanna pack them in but want to maximise the room I have.


Active Member
^^^ isn't it nice to come to a forum and get "real-time" answers like that.... and likewise even better some bonehead didn't tell you to Google the answer of refer you to some sub-forum link (which is sometimes appropriate, but....)


Well-Known Member
Ok so do it for 2 weeks and When I see enough roots place in the nft tray. Also how many would you say I can fit in a 6ft x 3ft multi duct Tray. I dont wanna pack them in but want to maximise the room I have.
All depends on what size of plants you want, personal preferance so on, I would only do about 3-4 personal big plants as I only do a few because I am unfortunately under UK law and these are are still in the dark ages, you are probably really lucky in a legal state.

edit: forgot to say, most gimmiks on the market are snake oil so beware, if you want my advice buy some roots excelerator, you will get eye popping root systems without fail :-)


Well-Known Member
YEah UK law is not the best my wife is from the UK and she admits the laws over there as seriously outdated and only there to benifit the prosperious.

Persoanly i would like to finish up with a 3.5-4ft with an average yeild of 1oz per plant. In the 6ft x 3ft trays i was looking to fit in about 15. with 2 x 600ws above them.

What do you think my man also i forgot the +rep



Well-Known Member
You will net more than an 1oz per plant for sure, get good air flow and 15 may be too many but I have no experience with this much in NFT maybe someone else will chirp in with experienced advice. Check the pump daily and I would suggest get a filter bag to put the pump in, lasts a LOT longer!