NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

T5 over all my veg. Including mothers. I have 3 moms they give 12-14 solid clones every 3-4 weeks id say. Hoping to add a couple more strains to the table. Im hunting bad betty by exotic genetix, riot seeds legend of the sour and cannarado sunday dough. Be nice to find another keeper or 2 out of those. I also have a fire strawberries and cream cut ima turn to a mother that i got from my boy. I love variety!
I'm the same way, I have to have variety!! I'm in the process of flowering out all my moms, out with the old and in with the new. I got so much heat in the vault just sitting there waiting to be hunted. Gonna pop as many as I can, veg them for 2-3 weeks and flower out in 2 gals for the hunt.
I'm the same way, I have to have variety!! I'm in the process of flowering out all my moms, out with the old and in with the new. I got so much heat in the vault just sitting there waiting to be hunted. Gonna pop as many as I can, veg them for 2-3 weeks and flower out in 2 gals for the hunt.
As do i i but i have a homie that will grow out my fire cuts so i can continue to hunt but im greedy lol so i pop 3 packs with 10 in each leaves me with around 15 good females. Flower em out in 5 gallons lots of work but worth it. Plus this is my fav shit to do haha.
What's up everyone? Been a while since I've checked in on this thread....thankfully I haven't had too!! I learned a lot my first round! I'm on my 2nd grow and 2nd round of using Nectar and DAMN!! This round is going fantastic from the start! I'm running the sample kit + Aphrodites and I also added #4 soil this round along with recently adding Persephones to the line up. I haven't done a single herc flush this whole run and I've only done 1 slurry. They get a weekly tea concoction of Activated EM-1, Cultured Biologix EZ tea's, Dr. Root (early on) & Dr. Growth, SLF-100 and all the microbelife products on the comprehensive feeding schedule. The girl in the back left (smallest) is in #4 soil with Natures living soil autoflower mix and only gets straight tap water and a weekly tea I mentioned above. Here's a tent pic! Peace out!
HI fellow Nectar Heads!!!! Been running NFTG in coco for almost 5 years now and could not be happier. I have much I would like to say about the line and my grow but seeing I am new here I will wait until I want to be herd to say to much. Until then I will say I think many need to take up those numbers in nutrient mix and media . I am speaking with love and hopes of Success's with NFTG. These are my plants most at Day 27 and some at day 17 under only 600w cobs and mono chromes . At this point I am at 2550 ppms and 1 Tbsp Bk every 48 hours working up to 4-5 tsp Bk over next two weeks then backing back down the latter . My plants all pray when my coco numbers are between 700-900 depending on genetics and amount of media in pot. At 500- 450ppms my plants start to claw . I DO NOT FLUSH UNTILL ITS TIME TO RIPEN OR UNLESS I ABSOLUTELY KNOW I HAVE LOCK OUT AND ITS RARE EVEN WITH MY KIND OF NUMBERS. I always feed within 12 hours of my weekly tea. Its Way harder to stay caught up with Nectar than it is to lock out. This is some of my my experience with NFTG


HI fellow Nectar Heads!!!! Been running NFTG in coco for almost 5 years now and could not be happier. I have much I would like to say about the line and my grow but seeing I am new here I will wait until I want to be herd to say to much. Until then I will say I think many need to take up those numbers in nutrient mix and media . I am speaking with love and hopes of Success's with NFTG. These are my plants most at Day 27 and some at day 17 under only 600w cobs and mono chromes . At this point I am at 2550 ppms and 1 Tbsp Bk every 48 hours working up to 4-5 tsp Bk over next two weeks then backing back down the latter . My plants all pray when my coco numbers are between 700-900 depending on genetics and amount of media in pot. At 500- 450ppms my plants start to claw . I DO NOT FLUSH UNTILL ITS TIME TO RIPEN OR UNLESS I ABSOLUTELY KNOW I HAVE LOCK OUT AND ITS RARE EVEN WITH MY KIND OF NUMBERS. I always feed within 12 hours of my weekly tea. Its Way harder to stay caught up with Nectar than it is to lock out. This is some of my my experience with NFTG
Damn 2500 at week 3ish bloom is pushing, cool you found what works for you, BK IS THE TRUTH!! I imagine as long as your ph stays in check and your genetic is a heavy feeder, those 700-900 ppm slurry can work with a load of BK, Thats interesting, thanks for sharing that. Do you run CO2? I used to push hard like that when I first figured out the line, but have reeled it way back to cater to my daily schedule. That every other day shit got to be too time consuming for me, I only water every 4th day with my ammended mixes and found I get better flavors when I keep Herc around 45 ml's max. I'm not to concerned with yield so it works better for me. I also topdress and use barley straw mulch so I don't get the bone meal crust anymore. Welcome to the group Smokey, keep sharing the progression of your grow and your welcome to throw down any input or tips that you have found to work for you over the years.
I havent posted in awhile but damn why people quitting on nectar? This shit is the truth! Just gotta figure out the gaps your missing. I find in veg you cant lay off them for even 1 day! As soon as there hungry you have to be there or else it will start slipping and they wont look happy. i let my plants over dry a couple times and they did not like it at all!! Super ugly lol. Also if your noticing deficiencies or unhappy plants its most likely was a problem a week or so ago you may have already fixed the problem. Nothing a slurry cant fix! Im wit nectar for life i love this shit. My first run i had insane amounts of problems and still had absolute fire!! This run im still running into problems. I have fought vpd numbers because of winter so i dediced to go with a sealed room and supplement co2. That was a learning curve cuz now the plants want the whole kitchen sink because of the prime environment numbers. Alot of times people are blaming nutirents when in personal experience genetics and environment are the most important factors then comes nutrients. Anyway, Im feedingvery heavy and they are loving it!!! Im 1week into flower. Going to start hitting hard with herc and bloom khaos at end of week 3. Heres a couple pics of my plants right now that i just flipped. They are praying hard loving the co2 and warm humid temps. also added a couple of my nugs from last harvest. Dont give up on nectar its worth evey second and penny its not for lazy folks who want the easy way out. Just gotta learn to love the grind!!View attachment 4424248View attachment 4424250View attachment 4424251View attachment 4424253View attachment 4424254View attachment 4424255View attachment 4424257View attachment 4424259View attachment 4424260
I havent posted in awhile but damn why people quitting on nectar? This shit is the truth! Just gotta figure out the gaps your missing. I find in veg you cant lay off them for even 1 day! As soon as there hungry you have to be there or else it will start slipping and they wont look happy. i let my plants over dry a couple times and they did not like it at all!! Super ugly lol. Also if your noticing deficiencies or unhappy plants its most likely was a problem a week or so ago you may have already fixed the problem. Nothing a slurry cant fix! Im wit nectar for life i love this shit. My first run i had insane amounts of problems and still had absolute fire!! This run im still running into problems. I have fought vpd numbers because of winter so i dediced to go with a sealed room and supplement co2. That was a learning curve cuz now the plants want the whole kitchen sink because of the prime environment numbers. Alot of times people are blaming nutirents when in personal experience genetics and environment are the most important factors then comes nutrients. Anyway, Im feedingvery heavy and they are loving it!!! Im 1week into flower. Going to start hitting hard with herc and bloom khaos at end of week 3. Heres a couple pics of my plants right now that i just flipped. They are praying hard loving the co2 and warm humid temps. also added a couple of my nugs from last harvest. Dont give up on nectar its worth evey second and penny its not for lazy folks who want the easy way out. Just gotta learn to love the grind!!View attachment 4424248View attachment 4424250View attachment 4424251View attachment 4424253View attachment 4424254View attachment 4424255View attachment 4424257View attachment 4424259View attachment 4424260
I feel you man . Some people here in the East at my hydro store are giving up because they are getting bad advice form a great source if you know what I am saying. NFTG has been a great source for understanding what the products do and what plants do but not so great for me in how much and when. Scott is the f-ing bees knees when it comes to costumer service, designing a great nutrient line and marketing it but when it comes to how much I dont agree much other than his BK instructions. I am able to get away with only feeding every three days in veg in coco with the way I run the line but I feed every 48 hours anyways veg through flower and for the first 7 to 14 days of stretch I do feed every day for genetics that demand it. There is a bunch of great ways to run this line but at the end of the day a healthy and partly non healthy plant can go through this line fast and if your flushing at the wrong time you got big problems especially if you think 2000-2800 ppms is way to high a number you may never get caught back up . So I dont agree at all with when in doubt flush it out . or feed feed flush. I do a feed feed feed tea and never go 12 hours after a tea with out feeding. Some of my stuff needs three time as much MM than GM along with 4 tbsp. AA and 2 tbsp. Pegasus on top of that along with all the others just to get the tops green and a lot of my stuff needs 4+tbsp of DD at least once a week + .5 tsp mag amped here and there to really thrive . Scott turns people away from doing these things but I know my shit would look half dead if I listened . That Said I to am also Nftg for life because of Scotts brilliance in putting this thing together. The Shit can grow the best cannabis , vegetables and tabacco on the planet when used correctly . I grow all three with it just not the best on the planet yet .
I feel you man . Some people here in the East at my hydro store are giving up because they are getting bad advice form a great source if you know what I am saying. NFTG has been a great source for understanding what the products do and what plants do but not so great for me in how much and when. Scott is the f-ing bees knees when it comes to costumer service, designing a great nutrient line and marketing it but when it comes to how much I dont agree much other than his BK instructions. I am able to get away with only feeding every three days in veg in coco with the way I run the line but I feed every 48 hours anyways veg through flower and for the first 7 to 14 days of stretch I do feed every day for genetics that demand it. There is a bunch of great ways to run this line but at the end of the day a healthy and partly non healthy plant can go through this line fast and if your flushing at the wrong time you got big problems especially if you think 2000-2800 ppms is way to high a number you may never get caught back up . So I dont agree at all with when in doubt flush it out . or feed feed flush. I do a feed feed feed tea and never go 12 hours after a tea with out feeding. Some of my stuff needs three time as much MM than GM along with 4 tbsp. AA and 2 tbsp. Pegasus on top of that along with all the others just to get the tops green and a lot of my stuff needs 4+tbsp of DD at least once a week + .5 tsp mag amped here and there to really thrive . Scott turns people away from doing these things but I know my shit would look half dead if I listened . That Said I to am also Nftg for life because of Scotts brilliance in putting this thing together. The Shit can grow the best cannabis , vegetables and tabacco on the planet when used correctly . I grow all three with it just not the best on the planet yet .
Yeah I'm not big on feed feed tea feed flush thing, IMO its for those new to the line and just figuring things out. The number one thing to focus on is ph....PH IS CRITICAL....When ph is on point it's extremely difficult to burn with nectar, they will eat it up!! This line does have a great way about teaching you plant nutritional needs, and yes Scott is a bad dude, but Frank is the wizard behind the curtain, the formulator!!
Damn 2500 at week 3ish bloom is pushing, cool you found what works for you, BK IS THE TRUTH!! I imagine as long as your ph stays in check and your genetic is a heavy feeder, those 700-900 ppm slurry can work with a load of BK, Thats interesting, thanks for sharing that. Do you run CO2? I used to push hard like that when I first figured out the line, but have reeled it way back to cater to my daily schedule. That every other day shit got to be too time consuming for me, I only water every 4th day with my ammended mixes and found I get better flavors when I keep Herc around 45 ml's max. I'm not to concerned with yield so it works better for me. I also topdress and use barley straw mulch so I don't get the bone meal crust anymore. Welcome to the group Smokey, keep sharing the progression of your grow and your welcome to throw down any input or tips that you have found to work for you over the years.
Hi there Irie thanks for taking interest. To be completely honest I dont feel I am pushing but maybe I am . If I dont hit those numbers my plants just start looking like shit to me My moms stay healthy but not overly healthy at 2400ppms . I spray BK for the first few days after my clones root then drench 1.5 tsp Bk through 4 weeks of veg right up to I see pom poms then I cut the Back to .5 to 1 tsp depending on genetic and spray again for 7-10 days again depending on genetics . It took me about 3.5 years of slowly working my way up to theses numbers because I was just scared of such high numbers lol. My plant will be cut off all food by week 10 and nicely faded by week 12 . I have 6 bags of reishi and pohu mushrooms in my air intake comeing into my room at all times sometimes more I dont know how much co2 they produce but it can make my throat scratchy . I actually use to lay felt fabric cut in the shape of packman down to catch the bone gum and keep the top of the coco from drying out then just crack it off the felt into the sink when it would build up and it worked great until I threw them away by accident now I just break it up with my fingers until I buy more felt. I also use SLF 100 and Fish Shit to help keep the gum in check. Another thing I do that I dont know if any grower anywhere dose because it was my idea Is I lower the dynes of my water meaning I lower the surface tension of my water that I use . The reason is I know if humans drink water of a lower dyne level it helps facilitate mineral absorption so I figured it probably dose in plants also and maybe it dose either way I just think looking at a lot of peoples pics here a abroad and felt many are underfeeding and thought I could help. Maybe I am being way to pushy for a new guy so I just want to say I love you all even the hippys. Feel free to put me in my place I dont do forums so I might need checked lol I will be posting videos of my whole process of feeding with PPms and plat health on youtube if I can ever get done editing it.
Hi there Irie thanks for taking interest. To be completely honest I dont feel I am pushing but maybe I am . If I dont hit those numbers my plants just start looking like shit to me My moms stay healthy but not overly healthy at 2400ppms . I spray BK for the first few days after my clones root then drench 1.5 tsp Bk through 4 weeks of veg right up to I see pom poms then I cut the Back to .5 to 1 tsp depending on genetic and spray again for 7-10 days again depending on genetics . It took me about 3.5 years of slowly working my way up to theses numbers because I was just scared of such high numbers lol. My plant will be cut off all food by week 10 and nicely faded by week 12 . I have 6 bags of reishi and pohu mushrooms in my air intake comeing into my room at all times sometimes more I dont know how much co2 they produce but it can make my throat scratchy . I actually use to lay felt fabric cut in the shape of packman down to catch the bone gum and keep the top of the coco from drying out then just crack it off the felt into the sink when it would build up and it worked great until I threw them away by accident now I just break it up with my fingers until I buy more felt. I also use SLF 100 and Fish Shit to help keep the gum in check. Another thing I do that I dont know if any grower anywhere dose because it was my idea Is I lower the dynes of my water meaning I lower the surface tension of my water that I use . The reason is I know if humans drink water of a lower dyne level it helps facilitate mineral absorption so I figured it probably dose in plants also and maybe it dose either way I just think looking at a lot of peoples pics here a abroad and felt many are underfeeding and thought I could help. Maybe I am being way to pushy for a new guy so I just want to say I love you all even the hippys. Feel free to put me in my place I dont do forums so I might need checked lol I will be posting videos of my whole process of feeding with PPms and plat health on youtube if I can ever get done editing it.
Nice, 5 years of Nectar experience will be a great addition to this forum. Can't wait to see your video, definitely post a link. I use yucca and sometimes a soapnut ferment to keep surface tension in check, what do you use to lower your "dunes"?.......I've never heard that term, learned something new today already!!
lol its dynes. maybe my typo I Actually have been bugging Scott for nearly 5 years I am actually waiting to here back from him on how lowering Dynes may be affecting my uptake just wrote him about it on friday I dont mind telling how I do it because its not rocket science in the least. But let me make sure Im not onto something big first lol.
lol its dynes. maybe my typo I Actually have been bugging Scott for nearly 5 years I am actually waiting to here back from him on how lowering Dynes may be affecting my uptake just wrote him about it on friday I dont mind telling how I do it because its not rocket science in the least. But let me make sure Im not onto something big first lol.
Just did a little research, breezed some Google info......pretty cool. Kinda plays into the whole living water and dead water arena too. Check out countryroots, great company. Scott has mentioned them before in videos.
I have noticed I seem to have to hit much higher numbers than most maybe its good maybe its bad I just figured most people dont run it hard enough that said maybe its the freaking dynes . I dont hit those big numbers in vain I Do hit 2-2.5 and more in less than a 4x4 every run except my first. almost hit three once with a great chunky pheno of Pineapple fields. I have 6 testers this time so that will knock my yield down pretty good I also dont own a cell or never had reasons to take pics now I do.
I have noticed I seem to have to hit much higher numbers than most maybe its good maybe its bad I just figured most people dont run it hard enough that said maybe its the freaking dynes . I dont hit those big numbers in vain I Do hit 2-2.5 and more in less than a 4x4 every run except my first. almost hit three once with a great chunky pheno of Pineapple fields. I have 6 testers this time so that will knock my yield down pretty good I also dont own a cell or never had reasons to take pics now I do.
I think the inert coco plays a role in the 700 - 900 slurries, it has a way lower CEC than ammended mixes like #4. And that dynes trick definitely helps in my opinion, especially with the microbes.
Don't want to interrupt the current discussion, just wanted to thank IrieRoots for taking the time to write out his soil mixes. Thank you Sir I am making a list and going to try to hit up my local grow shop to see what they have on hand.
well now that you brought that up I actually filter my own condensate with a my homemade RO system. well its Ro when I have the bucket of kdf 55 -kdf 85 and katlox light mixture hooked up to it for filtering tap water as the ionic filter glass and catalytic carbon is all I need when filtering condensate because condensate contains no iron mag or radionuclides like tap anyways after it goes through all that it goes through another part of my diy filter where its filtered one more time and the dynes are reduced I will include a pic tonight. Anyways the plan is to run it to fish tank and then pull my water from there after it alive again.
well now that you brought that up I actually filter my own condensate with a my homemade RO system. well its Ro when I have the bucket of kdf 55 -kdf 85 and katlox light mixture hooked up to it for filtering tap water as the ionic filter glass and catalytic carbon is all I need when filtering condensate because condensate contains no iron mag or radionuclides like tap anyways after it goes through all that it goes through another part of my diy filter where its filtered one more time and the dynes are reduced I will include a pic tonight. Anyways the plan is to run it to fish tank and then pull my water from there after it alive again.
Cool stuff my man, give a look, pretty cool stuff with vortex living water. They use rare earth magnets and orgonite too. I gotta get to work, good to have you on later.
just found a pic of my water filter befor I put in the media and added the kdf-and katalox with manual backflush thats the pond filter pad ionic glass and catalytic carbon befor I put them in the buckets the other component's are already in the buckets

