NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

The feeding chart calls for 5ml/qt.of BK.If I spray at that strength,does that mean I need 120MLs of HH?That seems high for the HH,but that's a 6:1 ratio that Scott mentioned.

right 5ml per quart of bk .. I never used a full quart for a foliar feed .. so 5mlof bk be 30ml HH , I would do 60ml HH if doint a full QT of bk … 120 ml of HH seems a lot …
Any of y'all using Pegasus Potion as a foliar on rooting clones? If so how does it work
used it as a foliar one time when leafs turn yellow , from my mistake …. if you need it to green it up or slow growth … wouldn't for clones …. "as needed"
Ok guys. I, like many of you, have run into magnesium deficiency problems in flower. Not with all strains, just the gg4 in particular. My ph and soil ppm are on point and im pushing the roman schedule hard, around 1200 ppm during the 4week of flower and im still am coming up short on magnesium. Its not horrible but this is the last couple weeks that I can really address the problem. How much epsom salt would you use to top dress or water in?
@bubba73. I was asking myself the same question a few weeks ago. I found foliar feeding really helps but I just wanted to use what I had laying around. A mix of gh floralicious and botanicare liquid karma and zues juice. It was gentle but effective. I kept the ppms a little low, around 175 to start and moved up to 200, then 250 and it certainly helped. Now that they are starting to grow and work on there lateral branches, I added in nitrozime from hdi, but any good kelp product will work. That brought opms up to around 300-325 and all is green
This plant has been fed 3 times since spring with NFTG and only got water when it rained. Just an example of plants do not have to be nuked with nutrients
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Heres a question which may get things rolling. Nectar for the gods is truely the best thing in a bottle, we can agree on that. With that being said, a lot of people are also switching over to leds. How has feeding with NFTG changed for you after switching to led? For me im seeing this change for the first time. Water uptake has gone down dramatically and what appears to be an unquenchable thirst for minerals has appeared( just generally speaking, I know, genetics play a huge role too, amongst other things). Specifically magnesium, some calcium, but the broad spectrum of minerals in general as well. Top dressing with buildasoil.coms coco mineral kit(basalt,gypsum,langbienite) was the first thing, but because it's slow to release foliar spraying a little kelp, and adding in earth juices microblast @ a low rate of 2mills per gallon which is half of whats recommended. Lets see if things change but curious what other people are doing?
Heres a question which may get things rolling. Nectar for the gods is truely the best thing in a bottle, we can agree on that. With that being said, a lot of people are also switching over to leds. How has feeding with NFTG changed for you after switching to led? For me im seeing this change for the first time. Water uptake has gone down dramatically and what appears to be an unquenchable thirst for minerals has appeared( just generally speaking, I know, genetics play a huge role too, amongst other things). Specifically magnesium, some calcium, but the broad spectrum of minerals in general as well. Top dressing with buildasoil.coms coco mineral kit(basalt,gypsum,langbienite) was the first thing, but because it's slow to release foliar spraying a little kelp, and adding in earth juices microblast @ a low rate of 2mills per gallon which is half of whats recommended. Lets see if things change but curious what other people are doing?
i like using the demeters destiny through foliar feeding along with adding it to my normal per gallon feed schedule.
Interesting, I have been contemplating going LED...I too wonder if these issues are a common with this type of lighting...I am still with hids. But I sure love their products!! And this new grow of blue lights I'm going to add mammoth into my tea additions. Hoping for bigger yield given the smaller yields associated with this line.
But Nectar is legit no doubt.
@mr. childs there are great shows on youtube by OCGFAM(oregonsconstantgardener) called viewer wuestions show. Maybe 6 episodes at the moment. Anyone one of the first two I asked about calcium foliar spraying with calcium carbonate from extreme gardens. Scott went into a detailed answer about how the calcium nolicule is too big, in organic form, amd can not be absorbed. The only type of calcium which can be directed absorbed by leaves is a calcium nitrate like you find in botanicare calmag plus. He mentions specifically at around the 8 minute mark to not foliar with any of his calcium products. Demeters is calcium phosphate used to chilate minerals by bonding to them. Thatd why theres no magnesium in it. It becomes available by bonding to it and is better absorbed when you do your herc flush. Herc harvest actually has the most and quickest absorbing version of calcium. If you have a calcium issue double your herc and watch the change, its amazing. This is right from scotts mouth. Always email him with questions. He is quick to reply.