NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

How does everyone transition from late flower into the ripening / finishing stage? For like a 63 day strain.....

I have tried a few different methods with decent results but I am seeking a better fade, and anytime I experiment with longer finishing days, 14 days out, I get deficiency signs instead of a fade. So I have to keep lightly feeding and run into a smaller ripening window with still a lot of green leaf when trichs ready. NFTG is already low in nitrogen and I even reduce it in mid flower and lean on tritons trawl instead of the medusa/athenas....I even reduce my feed strength thru week 6/7.....then HH flush w/aphrodites oly up 6.4.....and a couple days of plain just want to know how everyone finishes and are you getting good fadeing?
How does everyone transition from late flower into the ripening / finishing stage? For like a 63 day strain....._
I have tried a few different methods with decent results but I am seeking a better fade, and anytime I experiment with longer finishing days, 14 days out, I get deficiency signs instead of a fade. So I have to keep lightly feeding and run into a smaller ripening window with still a lot of green leaf when trichs ready. NFTG is already low in nitrogen and I even reduce it in mid flower and lean on tritons trawl instead of the medusa/athenas....I even reduce my feed strength thru week 6/7.....then HH flush w/aphrodites oly up 6.4.....and a couple days of plain just want to know how everyone finishes and are you getting good fadeing?

The only thing I can add is that i do a BIG flush with lots of runoff with HH as soon as i see the buds swell up and once the pot dry up i continue with reg HH\AE i also start sea green at week 5 to help things along and i like that better but i do not get the fade i won't...i hope any of that helps and as a matter of fact I'm having that problem now i come down this morning and some of the plants look like they have a burn of some kind and some plants are fading very nicely with fall colors WTF but all healthy as hell get some pics up....give me a min ....where is Tangerine_ i need help uploading pics lol
That helps zero, thanks. I have heard Scott mention in a video that this full cycle greening is common with the line. Genetics and environmentnment are a key part in the fade as well. Hopefully we attract more nectar users with steady activity On the thread and start getting more and more experiences from the fam. I like to keep learning and trying new methods as I get bored easily. Its another reason I love nectar so much. I have the whole line but never use more than 5 or 6 bottles at a time.
ok my first upload lol


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That helps zero, thanks. I have heard Scott mention in a video that this full cycle greening is common with the line. Genetics and environmentnment are a key part in the fade as well. Hopefully we attract more nectar users with steady activity On the thread and start getting more and more experiences from the fam. I like to keep learning and trying new methods as I get bored easily. Its another reason I love nectar so much. I have the whole line but never use more than 5 or 6 bottles at a time.

IrieRoots look at all these bottle i never use them all at the same time either lol


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and speaking of R|O water I have been using it for years but im wondering if i even need it with this line ...what is bad water?, and how can I tell if my municipal water can be use , I think I am good i got the R\O back when I really really knew nothing about growing now I'm a lil better with it so my question is, is my municipal water bad?

your city water will have chlormine and or chlorine, just stick with the RO water. did use full on early on in growth but soon ran out and havent used it since i have had NO issues at all with not using full on BTW
How does everyone transition from late flower into the ripening / finishing stage? For like a 63 day strain.....

I have tried a few different methods with decent results but I am seeking a better fade, and anytime I experiment with longer finishing days, 14 days out, I get deficiency signs instead of a fade. So I have to keep lightly feeding and run into a smaller ripening window with still a lot of green leaf when trichs ready. NFTG is already low in nitrogen and I even reduce it in mid flower and lean on tritons trawl instead of the medusa/athenas....I even reduce my feed strength thru week 6/7.....then HH flush w/aphrodites oly up 6.4.....and a couple days of plain just want to know how everyone finishes and are you getting good fadeing?

feeding every other day with run-off with this formula
30ml of HH
30ml of TT
30ml of AE
10ml of SLF100.

ripening flush
your city water will have chlormine and or chlorine, just stick with the RO water. did use full on early on in growth but soon ran out and havent used it since i have had NO issues at all with not using full on BTW
So Midwestmedgr i no your right, but my water only has chlorine ...would you still say stick with R\O?
your city water will have chlormine and or chlorine, just stick with the RO water. did use full on early on in growth but soon ran out and havent used it since i have had NO issues at all with not using full on BTW
The boogie blue plus filter takes care of my water's chloramines & chlorine. And depending on the water sources starting ppm, it's good for 48,000 gallons. Mine been working like a charm nearly 2 years now with no replacing. I use chlorine/chloramine test packs on it at least once a month to verify but when using spore form microbes that wake up in solution, the microbes won't colonize to their full potential in unfiltered muni water but will still be alive and beneficial. Hell, stirring a tbs. Or two of fresh worm castings in unfiltered water extracts the humics that will tie up chlorines. I wouldn't brew an AACT with it but I don't think muni water thats 100-200 ppm is going to hurt the rhizo enough to worry about it. Especially when constantly running SLF, Mammoth, PHOTO+, etc....we are constantly reinnoculating so any die off in the rootzone will just turn to more plant food. So if your water smells likespool water and taste like shit, by all means filter but in my experience with bottled organics the chlorine/amine issue is tied up by the organic acids and is even microbe food.
I use bottle spring or filtered water early on since don't need much to water solo cups and one gallon pots in order to get endo myco to colonize succesfully then by week 3ish veg I start to transition to my boogie water.
Boogie filter is catalytic carbon block polymer and KDF, it eats up both chlorine and chloramines and even other radicle VOC's.
If I was running a fully amended soil, water only style where relying on the rhizo for all plant uptake I would be weary of the chlorine/amine issue as it would be hard to keep the web in balance pouring unfiltered water on the soil life constantly but we are still some what in control using nectar as it's plant available out of the bottle and at the same time microbe friendly. So I, and even Scott Ostrander, are of the opinion that the chlorine/amine in water isn't a huge limiting factor towards healthy growth, I have found this to be true for my garden and heard it on a couple different OCG youtube podcasts with Scott answering viewer questions.