NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

was looking over my notes.. when I did a cultured tea with SLF100 , photo plus , fishesh!t , fullon my ph came out to 6.3 ...when I brew tea ph came out to 7.8 . why is this ? the compost im using ? EWC ? im using the cheap EWC for now... I brew for 24 hours ... maybe needed brew longer ? makes me wonder cause the last brew was from the tap that has a ph around 7.8 .. when I did RO and added fullon an hour before I started the brew the ph was 6.7 but never check at end of brew ...has me wondering .... mite do a test run and see what happens with RO water ... with the last tea of ph going in at 7.8 mite had a slight lock out ? slurry ph was 7.1-7.2 .... hmmmm
Nah your good, bacterial dominant teas always climb like that. Once it hits the soil it will balance out. Tea Ph is not like your feed ph, its the PH that the living organisms create and thrive in. But your cheap castings prolly lack fungi, because fungi like a lower ph than bacteria and tend to keep the teas Ph from climbing too high. A balanced tea will be 6.8-7.2.......quality castings are a solid 6.8. So I would simply adjust to what your working with and feed at like 6.2/6.3 following a brew. Also give some thought towards the plant for your stage. Your going into the fatten up stage and she is prolly releasing exudates to boost the fungal activity because she knows fungi mine the soil for phosphorous & calcium and your tea was predominantly bacterial, maybe just not what she was asking for and that balance was thrown off. My thoughts anyway. And I stopped using bottled microbes with the dry Easy teas as they are 2 completely different forms of innoculation. Plus both have specific numbers of each colony forming microbe and that are formulated specifically by microbiologists to balanced ratios that don't compete on a level that can cause off balance reactions. It was hard to do b/c I like being a mad scientist but I get better results narrowing down the products that will work best for my stage. I don't even use SLF in an easy tea.
These microbe companys aren't going to tell us that. The only liquids I run together are photo & slf, and usually try to work the photo into the schedule when I'm moving into whatever the next 2 week stage is...if that makes pending what stage it is, I build up the nutrition(feed), then AACT, keep building nutrition for plant and microbes from AACT, then as I'm nearing the next stage I try to do a protozoa tea(or an EM1/KNF style) and then right at the start of the next stage I hit with photo+.....then repeat the cycle. It doesn't always happen like that as its work and life happens. Its my schedule for nutrient cycling and if I can stay on point with it, the plant will establish its metabolism to the cycle.....within reason.....we don't have pin point control but I think you know what I'm saying.
This is Pink cookie the shots are Random shots of bubble gum Colorado chem and petro rainbow my phone takes shity pictures I've been trying since last night to take decent pictures, this is the best I can do with my phone



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These microbe companys aren't going to tell us that. The only liquids I run together are photo & slf, and usually try to work the photo into the schedule when I'm moving into whatever the next 2 week stage is...if that makes pending what stage it is, I build up the nutrition(feed), then AACT, keep building nutrition for plant and microbes from AACT, then as I'm nearing the next stage I try to do a protozoa tea(or an EM1/KNF style) and then right at the start of the next stage I hit with photo+.....then repeat the cycle. It doesn't always happen like that as its work and life happens. Its my schedule for nutrient cycling and if I can stay on point with it, the plant will establish its metabolism to the cycle.....within reason.....we don't have pin point control but I think you know what I'm saying.

Ok so it is the timing and trying to read and understand witch micros do what drives my lil pea birdbrain mad and just blows my high lol ...that's the ideal theory I do i the same thing I think we all do, root contact inoculation, then the diversity building inoculations then hit them with em1 and start again
thinking on the issue I been having . think some of it could been under watering .. even that will show deficiency ...
Ok so it is the timing and trying to read and understand witch micros do what drives my lil pea birdbrain mad and just blows my high lol ...that's the ideal theory I do i the same thing I think we all do, root contact inoculation, then the diversity building inoculations then hit them with em1 and start again

Bigfoot is a good product ..
Bigfoot is a good product ..
i use bigfoot at transplant and water in photo with feeds twice a week for veg then bigfoot watered in when i mpve to flower than its once a week for the photo and I add sea green once a week to help hidden hunger and break shit down in there ..something like that but I use it and love, but I think il go back to Vam for transplant and water in bigfoot concentrate
thinking on the issue I been having . think some of it could been under watering .. even that will show deficiency ...
like you said people say this is easy lol.....and that one for me is hard to read, what are the signs of under feeding? I always thought if the tips of the leaves are pointing down that means or could mean under feed or under water
like you said people say this is easy lol.....and that one for me is hard to read, what are the signs of under feeding? I always thought if the tips of the leaves are pointing down that means or could mean under feed or under water

your right to a point .. I was watering every other day which that was just enough but not enough .. after going thru my notes from years past I knew I went thru this before . now my ph between 6.6-6.9 in slurries , my ph and ppm always been in range or like Irie said could be a little lower .. buttt why would I have like 4 leafs droop some and others praying and the same 4 leafs show issues ? and I also like to push hard on the nutrients too .. So ! if all the roots are not getting the water then they will start to die off which in short will cause what looks like a deficiency and the microbes will die off too . been thinking maybe it was the last tea going in at ph 7.8 ? maybe it help the cause of it or maybe it because I was underwaterning for awhile it finally caught up ? last time when I finish a grow and pulled the roots out I see I had dry soil close to the bottom , not good .... so my thinking is it was happing here .... so last night I did a cultured tea and instead a half gallon did a full gallon , and this morning they look a lot better ... there was 1 time I watered a day late and the leafs started to yellow on me over night ...
there was a few times on fb forums where people where having issues and there ppm and ph was in range but having weird issues ... its either pest or roots ..... unless its nectar related the post got deleted...
I no my pots and I never water to run off....unless I am flushing, I try to dial in my water so that only a couple drop come out the bottom of my pots on feed days this is what works for me.