NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

I'm having issue with the nftg nutrients settling at the bottom of my tank before I'm able to pump it out for hand watering. It seems the water sits on top, while 90% of the nutrients sink and settle at the bottom. Even with constant mixing. Amy input thanks. I'm sampling this line as of now because a trusted grower, swears by it and he does get the results.
I dont know how much youre mixing at a time. I mix in a mop bucket, 1-3 gallons at a time depending. I stick a 40 gph water pump at the bottom of the bucket wile i mix and let the ph stabilize after adjustment. Then i add my beneficials (usually just slf-100, mycos once and a wile and i just got some recharge samples). When i water i use either a 250 ml or 500 ml measuring pitcher and dunk/stir a bit with every scoop. I tend to leave the pump in until the level gets too low. It is a bit of work but i think its worth it.
I usually mix in a 40 gallon tote. I add in my nutes, then the beneficials. Stir with bamboo. PH to where I want it. I stir it with a bamboo stick a bunch more. I drop my pump in and begin to pump it out through tubing and a hose wand. The problem is just the majority of the sediments from the nutes just sink to the bottom and are not picked up by the pump
I usually mix in a 40 gallon tote. I add in my nutes, then the beneficials. Stir with bamboo. PH to where I want it. I stir it with a bamboo stick a bunch more. I drop my pump in and begin to pump it out through tubing and a hose wand. The problem is just the majority of the sediments from the nutes just sink to the bottom and are not picked up by the pump
Doing it that way i would suggest an additional pump for circulation. If purchased from a pet store a maxijet 1200 comes with parts so you can set it up multiple ways. I like the conifguration using the directional flow output that also has an air intake tube. Running it that way would put you at around 300 gph but, you could also set it up as just a straight circulating pump using the propellar instead of the impellar which would have you running at 1200 gph. I picked a couple up at 30$ a piece, which is the same price they are at the hydro shop only at the hydro shop they dont come with the parts for various configurations.
IMG_0261.JPG IMG_0262.JPG First pic is using the impellar with directional flow w/ air intake (300 gph) 2nd is using the propeller as a straight circulating pump (1200 gph) i dont know which configuration would work better. I think the impellar setup would provide more aggitation in a concentrated area where as the propeller would simply move alot more water. Someone else may have a better idea. To me, for 30$ youll have a pretty good little pump that is very versatile and potentially you may not have to even stir it. Like, at all. Plug it in and start dumping nutes. Fire up your spray wand and go to town!
I went to my store today to grab some things, one of which was gonna be an additional pump for circulating the water. The owner who is a trusted source and very knowledgeable on nectar says he runs into the same issue and although the pump will remedy it some, it won't be as effective as needed. He said he will just give it a mix every 30 seconds or so. Guess just a pain of organics. But I'm gonna try the impeller setup you suggested there and see if it can prevent me from having to stir so much.
And thanks for the input. I'm just getting into nftg now. I've been on Mills past cpl years and before that botanicare.
Right on! When i first started planning my grow i was going to start seedlings in soil, flower and search for keepers then clone to go into hydro using mills. Picked up some medusa to use as a simple water in nute and ran into some issues. I started looking into it more and slowly started adding more of their stuff to my lineup. Long story short, hydro idea got scrapped, running about 9 of their bottles along with some beneficials and cant see myself running anything else! It seems like alot at first but as you figure out what each product does and how to use it you learn alot about how everything works and it gets you really in touch with your plants. Check out harley smith with npk industries on youtube. Theyre not at all related to nftg but if you apply what hes teaching to the line some things fall into place quite nicely!
I've had good results with Mills but the product I've seen and tasted from nectar seems to be truer to what the flower is supposed to taste and smoke like.
I'm having issue with the nftg nutrients settling at the bottom of my tank before I'm able to pump it out for hand watering. It seems the water sits on top, while 90% of the nutrients sink and settle at the bottom. Even with constant mixing. Amy input thanks. I'm sampling this line as of now because a trusted grower, swears by it and he does get the results.

I keep a small submersible pump in my reservoirs to keep the water moving and mixed.
Anyone use the zues juice on freshly transplanted clones?
As a stand alone? No. When i transplant clones ill put them in pro mix moistened with water then water with 1/2 strength. (Advanced schedule Ish?) i do use it with super thrive and their ph down for cloning purposes though. What are you looking to know? I try to know what im doing but im prlly fucking something up!
As a stand alone? No. When i transplant clones ill put them in pro mix moistened with water then water with 1/2 strength. (Advanced schedule Ish?) i do use it with super thrive and their ph down for cloning purposes though. What are you looking to know? I try to know what im doing but im prlly fucking something up!

I was told by someone that they will dilute the zues juice in water and spray it on clones?
Is it normal for a gray slude to form on the top of the soil when using this line. I thought possibly due to the amount of bone meal ?
Very normal. Use SLF-100 to break down the bonemeal build up. It makes it into usable calcium. In veg and transition top with earthworm castings and that will really break it down.
Very normal. Use SLF-100 to break down the bonemeal build up. It makes it into usable calcium. In veg and transition top with earthworm castings and that will really break it down.
Was going to say pretty much the same thing. I make a tea with the castings but same idea!