NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

lol hahaha wizard im still waiting for the husk to come off of my skywalker its been 4 days, the rest still havent popped getting frustrated here ..... ug
lol hahaha wizard im still waiting for the husk to come off of my skywalker its been 4 days, the rest still havent popped getting frustrated here ..... ug

*hate when that happens, i usually get impatient and remove the husk myself.. which isnt a good idea if you got shaky hands ;p

---ill be posting partycup pics soon, i just dont wanna hurt anyones feelings just yet... lol jk jk
ill try that later tonight man thanks, im hopin its lookin better, i squeezed it with tweezers earlier to try and lengthen the split, didnt want to squeeze too hard but it was HARD so... i dont know ill post a better pic later tonight the one i have is kinda shitty.
u lot dont half wing hahaha new update on last page of thread bit of bud porn...

Color me giddy, the rest of my HPS DIY shit should be here today. Already working on the cool tube just gotta figure out how I'm gonna run the ducting. Have drop ceilings in the closet and I have some 3/4 in hard foam I think I'm gonna just cut holes in that and replace it. I'm gonna be running duct-> intake fan and then Carbon filter -> cool tube -> duct -> fan. Maybe I can get it done in time to make my slacker widow friggin finish.
why would you put the carbon filter on the intake sir? Or did i read wrong? If i am correct from my little HVAC knowledge you would want duct>intake fan duct inside booth

y spliter from your exhaust fan to your cool tube so you can pull hot air from inside the booth and cool your light with the same fan and the carbon filter would go behind the fan. Take a look at subcools ducting thread in his section explains pretty good what you need.

Color me giddy, the rest of my HPS DIY shit should be here today. Already working on the cool tube just gotta figure out how I'm gonna run the ducting. Have drop ceilings in the closet and I have some 3/4 in hard foam I think I'm gonna just cut holes in that and replace it. I'm gonna be running duct-> intake fan and then Carbon filter -> cool tube -> duct -> fan. Maybe I can get it done in time to make my slacker widow friggin finish.
why would you put the carbon filter on the intake sir? Or did i read wrong? If i am correct from my little HVAC knowledge you would want duct>intake fan duct inside booth

y spliter from your exhaust fan to your cool tube so you can pull hot air from inside the booth and cool your light with the same fan and the carbon filter would go behind the fan. Take a look at subcools ducting thread in his section explains pretty good what you need.

You read it wrong. Intake and exhaust aren't connected
lol you read what i said wrong too rofl

why would you connect intake and exhaust it should be like this


then go duct>booth>cooltube>duct for cool tube>single duct to you exhaust fan to your carbon filter.

What that does is it allows you to ventilate the booth actively from exhaust and intake at the same time as actively cooling your cool tube with 2 fans only one to evac the booth and evac your cool tube one to pump in fresh air on the bottom of the booth.

Anyways i think i read it wrong so its kind of a moot point but thats what i was talkin about.
>y spliter>
lol you read what i said wrong too rofl

why would you connect intake and exhaust it should be like this


then go duct>booth>cooltube>duct for cool tube>single duct to you exhaust fan to your carbon filter.

What that does is it allows you to ventilate the booth actively from exhaust and intake at the same time as actively cooling your cool tube with 2 fans only one to evac the booth and evac your cool tube one to pump in fresh air on the bottom of the booth.

Anyways i think i read it wrong so its kind of a moot point but thats what i was talkin about.
>y spliter>

Cuz I don't grow out of a booth?
I still am seperating the intake and the exhaust. My ventilation isn't bad atm, but with an exhaust fan I'm only using the intake to even out the give and take. When I get the loot to get a better fan system I'll swap them out but right now I'm working on a budget.
i still dont think you understand what i meant but its all good sounds like you got a plan brotha. I was talking about using your exhaust fan to exhaust the room and cool your bulb at the same time instead of just one. Lots of people i know run 3 fans for active intake setup or 2 fans for a passive intake setup which is one fan overkill is all i was saying. Just thinking about power constraints because i just went through a whole buncha bs with my rooms breaker being tied into another room in the house so multiple rooms runnin off of one fifteen amp breaker bad bad bad you know lol. So anyways my mind was just on reducing overkill and i thought i would share.

Hows the cups comn sir?
i still dont think you understand what i meant but its all good sounds like you got a plan brotha. I was talking about using your exhaust fan to exhaust the room and cool your bulb at the same time instead of just one. Lots of people i know run 3 fans for active intake setup or 2 fans for a passive intake setup which is one fan overkill is all i was saying. Just thinking about power constraints because i just went through a whole buncha bs with my rooms breaker being tied into another room in the house so multiple rooms runnin off of one fifteen amp breaker bad bad bad you know lol. So anyways my mind was just on reducing overkill and i thought i would share.

Hows the cups comn sir?

I am exhausting the room. It goes through the filter, then through the cool tube, then through the duct and out. The intake fan I'm using is just a simple "aim it in this direction" fan, not an expensive one. My good one is sucking the air through the filter and heat tube.