Niacin, drug test (help)

when using niacin how many 500mg pills would you have to take for a 5"6' 180 pound person with 30% body fat to pass a job drugtest??????????

reply and answer would be nice!!!!

maybe someone else can answer this for me considering

southern comfort wont get on....
maybe someone else can answer this for me considering

southern comfort wont get on....

like i said 2 or 3 500mg pills should do you fine...i am about 6' 3" 350 and i took 8 100 mg pills and i past. i took them the morning of the drug test and drank a lot of water then i pissed one time and then i took the drug test a few hours later and i pasted!
like i said 2 or 3 500mg pills should do you fine...i am about 6' 3" 350 and i took 8 100 mg pills and i past. i took them the morning of the drug test and drank a lot of water then i pissed one time and then i took the drug test a few hours later and i pasted!

thats great it didnt come back as diluted???

positive pass??
my recruit officer gave me niacin and worked in 3 days
said the only way it works correctly is drinking about 3 gallons a day serious no lies
just start with a cup and start chugging
i hit the bathroom atleast 15 times a day lol
shit burns like hell:fire:
if you just recently toked
a jacuzzi or sanna works for the burn opens the pores for flush hahahah
I've failed after taking 5 500mg pills, oh and if you take too much it burns and makes your skin itch. If your not going to have someone watching you piss your better off taking some clean piss in with you.
truthfully, i don't think this crap works.... i use to take it everytime i was threaten with a test.... but i also worked out because weed sticks to fat cells... the less body fat... the less time it stays in your system.... so i use to pop PILLS OF NIACIN till my body hurt so bad i couldn't take a shower because the droplets use to hurt.... also use to drink a gallon of water... drink vinegar... buy products from GNC... drink cranberry juice because its good for trhe urinary tract.... blah blah blah.... bottom line is... i passed tests just drinking non-sugar ice tea from Wendy's (big cup) and i've failed using niacin and at times passed using it.... so i wasn't sure if i actually passed... or they just didn't test my piss and were just calling people up randomly..... and i know people who failed taking Niacin before also... and to much of those shits can pop vains, i think..... some people have a bad allergic reaction especially taken it for the first time in such large doses.... don't know what to tell you..... my friend has a fake penis he uses for tests.. it worked for him.... i rather that idea...
I'm not saying it does or does not work cause even though I failed once I have passed using it too. I think it like a lot of these things it comes down to your own body as much as anything else.
Niacin alone does not work...believe me . Basically what niacin is is a diet pill, it burns fat without you really doing anything. This is good because THC is fat soluable so it stays in your fat. So you can take the Niacin (more information), but also consider water (1 liter per 20lbs an hour, daily you need to pee...a lot), and exercise (some sort of aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day).

Did you really revive a 10 year old post?

Also niacin will make your pee yellow if you are drinking lots of water to flush.
Drinking a ton of water does not work anymore. They now test the specific gravity of your urine, so if you dilute it by drinking a bunch of water you will not pass.

The only real way to pass these days is by substitution. However, you would have to know whether or not they observe it coming out of your penis. You get some clean urine from someone, find a small flattish container, heat up the piss for about 10 or 15 seconds in the microwave, then strap one of those hand warmers to it and keep it in your crotch. It'll stay the right temperature indefinitely like that. If you go to the head shop and buy one of those synthetic urine kits, they will have the bottle you need with the temperature gauge on it. However, it's much better to use someone else's clean urine rather than that synthetic urine because the drug testing people are really up on that and unless the synthetic urine company is constantly making the right changes, you could very well fail with that stuff.
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You need to actively engage in sports, you can take creatine when doing exercises, eat a lot of vegetables, drink lemon juice all the time instead of water, eliminate coffee from the diet. You can try to replace urine with a synthetic or another person, but not so long ago, we tightened the rules for taking a drug test, so this option may not help, moreover, if it is discovered, you will have big problems. It is best to try to do everything on your own and relying only on yourself. I would recommend keeping as a reference book about the detoxification of the body this article, which has everything that can help and is collected in one place: Drugs can also help you in this case, but it is not natural and for every person because of physiology and other factors of the body, it can act differently, there are no 100% guarantees, you need to understand this. There are various courses, such as the seven-day course, which can help your body rid of toxins.
I've tried the sure-jells, niacins, and those stupid detox drinks. Best thing I have found is a product called Quick Fix. Put the heating pad on there on your way to the place and it should be at the perfect temp (takes like an hour) or you could put it on the defroster in the car, but be careful not to get it too hot or they will not accept it, most places accept samples between 92-99. I just tape it to my leg, if its for a job they shouldn't search you.Best solution out there and you can keep smoking.
my sister took it for a test, she failed. the best way IMO to pass a test is a vigorous workout including lots of water and lots of sweating.
You don’t sweat out thc. Drinking water for days does nothing. Water only matters hours before a piss test. You’re not going to make your body process it any quicker by sweating or chugging for days.
I swear by niacin. Used it the whole time I was in the military. You need to take like 8-10 500 mg pills. It itches and burns like crazy.
Like any detox pills, niacin is not suitable for every occasion and for everyone. All about niacin it's chemical ingredient and instruction on how to use it and when you could read here and if its really help. But, taking a large dose of niacin pills, as someone mentioned previously, in a short period of time, just before a drug test, often cause serious health problems then help pass said test.