Nice to be Independent


Well-Known Member
Firstly the ADL and SPLC are subversive traitors to the US. They foster "agent provocateurs" and along with AIPAC are nothing more than a propaganda front sustaining and promoting Zionist ideals not to mention actively engaging in espionage, which is IMO is High Treason, no different from the Robert Hanssen's of the world. Anything these groups have to say is complete and utter propaganda laced with b/s.

There were more than a couple of camps I've been to two of them, I can tell you some horrible shit did happen at those camps because while your touring the grounds and museums, you can't shake the really morbid and spinechilling feelings that follow you around. Not a pleasant place to be... can't really explain it, but if you visit you'll know what I mean... They're pretty much as they had been left after WW2, barring some minor restorations/renovations, to conform to code over the years.

But I would agree with a broad definition being used, I had family die in the camps and no one is jewish in my family. I also had family killed in the hometowns by nazi soldiers, don't think anyone counted them...
I agree wholeheartedly, those groups however do help create the official narrative.


Well-Known Member
and here you see holocaust deniers presenting bigotry as arguments
the one thing they always lack: evidence.

all they have are their backwards and retarded conspiracy theories. and an abiding and visceral hatred for jews, who they feel are controlling the banks, the media, and their own miserable lives.

who would they blame for their failures in life if not for the jews? poor little shit stains like tryingtogrow and echelon just need a scapegoat.


Well-Known Member
implied bigotry against mexicans does nothing to support your moronic holocaust denial claims.

but thanks for letting us know that the extent of your capabilities is simple-minded scapegoating.


New Member
the one thing they always lack: evidence.

all they have are their backwards and retarded conspiracy theories. and an abiding and visceral hatred for jews, who they feel are controlling the banks, the media, and their own miserable lives.

who would they blame for their failures in life if not for the jews? poor little shit stains like tryingtogrow and echelon just need a scapegoat.

Im sorry I see Israel and it's supports for what they are... War mongering human rights violators...



Well-Known Member
Not as stupid as you, redacting part of that sentence, my own post, sure buddy keep telling your self that, it may actually come true.:dunce:
i didn't redact anything, i left the pertinent parts.

anyone can click on the little blue arrows and see all of what you said.

are you really so stupid that you thought copy and pasting a yahoo answer would settle anything? that only had the effect of illustrating how monumentally stupid you are, kiddo.


New Member
implied bigotry against mexicans does nothing to support your moronic holocaust denial claims.

but thanks for letting us know that the extent of your capabilities is simple-minded scapegoating.
talked to ABC about implied LA RAZA... We're not as stupid as you look...


Well-Known Member
Im sorry I see Israel and it's supports for what they are... War mongering human rights violators...
you live in a nation that genocided the aboriginal people, dumbass.

it's clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that your objection is with jews, not with war mongering.

hell, your dumb ass even signed up for a pointless war that did no good for anyone.

how stupid do you think people are? we can all see that you're just a simple bigot against jews, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
i didn't redact anything, i left the pertinent parts.

anyone can click on the little blue arrows and see all of what you said.

are you really so stupid that you thought copy and pasting a yahoo answer would settle anything? that only had the effect of illustrating how monumentally stupid you are, kiddo.
Monumentally tired and lazy, not stupid, anything i have to say or you for that matter has already been said.


New Member
Do you see Israel as warmongering human rights violators or just the Jewish people in general?

How could you hate him if he isn't a Jew though right?
The state of Israel and any jew that supports it or lives there... Grow up... how about fighting American imperialism by not taking taxpayer money...


Well-Known Member
The state of Israel and any jew that supports it or lives there... Grow up... how about fighting American imperialism by not taking taxpayer money...
nothing to say about how your nation has genocided its natives?

nothing to say abotu how you blindly war mongered in an affair that did no one any good?

i thought so.

if you were really against "might makes right", you'd be leading a charge for the aboriginals at home.

instead, you mouth shart nonsense about jews all day long on the internet.

you are completely transparent.


Well-Known Member
Kinda like you with 40,600 posts?
Nope i refuse.
my number of posts has no relevance to the fact that you are in a select group of dipshits who pisses against the wind and claims that well-documented historical events are all just a conspiracy and false.


New Member
nothing to say about how your nation has genocided its natives?

Yes we have had an ugly history just like the US in regards to it's natives.... Glad your implication recognises Palestinians are the REAL owners of the land you claim as Israel.

nothing to say abotu how you blindly war mongered in an affair that did no one any good?

Show me where Australia was involved in war crimes? That's your governments dept... UNLIKE the US, AUSTRALIA does not support Al-Qaeda terrorists around the world. We have never funded or armed AQ or it's affiliates. Unlike the US and Israel.

I saw no war crimes perpetrated by Australians while deployed. None.

i thought so.

if you were really against "might makes right", you' d be leading a charge for the aboriginals at home.

Unfortunately I was not alive to control what happened before my time. I did live with Aboriginals for about 3 months up in Hermannsburg, NT, after touring with Albert Namatjira's great nephew who is the Tribal elder in Hermannsburg. I think their cultures rich and can teach us a lot seeing as they're the oldest tribe on the planet. Unlike you, I've lived with a minority group, what have you done for disparaged and marginalised in America? Apart from vote for a black man...?

instead, you mouth shart nonsense about jews all day long on the internet.

No nose sharting from me, just truth about a despicable regime, YOU SUPPORT based on a RELIGIOUS BELIEF and the "holier than thou because your a goyim" attitude towards the rest of the world.

you are completely transparent.
Your definition on transparency is a good one, what with getting thread deleted and denouncing repubs for religious beliefs while you support war mongering genocidal maniacs based on your religious belief in JUDAISM... Priceless...


Well-Known Member
Your definition on transparency is a good one, what with getting thread deleted and denouncing repubs for religious beliefs while you support war mongering genocidal maniacs based on your religious belief in JUDAISM... Priceless...

"I'm not an antisemite, Jews are just evil."


New Member
you live in a nation that genocided the aboriginal people, dumbass.

it's clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that your objection is with jews, not with war mongering.

hell, your dumb ass even signed up for a pointless war that did no good for anyone.

how stupid do you think people are? we can all see that you're just a simple bigot against jews, nothing more.
The difference is it's not going on today moron, how did the US go with the natives?...

Israel is killing innocents right now, over land that isn't theirs, that they have no right to.

I signed up before the war and I'm no deserter like "abandonduty"... Glad you voted for the bloke that ramped up the war and didn't bring home the troops as promised, who ALLOWED americans to die in beghazi, who ratted out Seal Team Six and who funded and armed beaner cartels and the VERY TERRORISTS THAT HIT YOU ON 9/11...

That's priceless, your tax dollars at work... Next time AQ attacks you, don't look towards the Middle east, look towards DC...