Nice ugly hold in my leaf, pretty sure it's not bugs, what else?


Active Member
I have 3 plants in veg right now, 2 reggie (for shits and giggles) and a Skunk1. I noticed today that there was a hole in one of the leaves on one of my reg plants. When I turned the lights on this morning at 6a.m. (Lights out at midnight) I didn't notice any holes but it may have just been because I was tired or something. I just looked at the under side of the leaves and didn't see any sign of bugs or eggs, other than the hole the plant looks great. I've also never seen a fly in the house so what else could this be?
Sorry, not the best pic...



Active Member
Hard to say for sure. Could have ripped if/when you moved them around. How does the leaf itself feel? A cool, wispy feel or more of a papery, crunchy feel? lf l were you, l would go to radio shack and buy a 60-100x microscope (12 bucks) and go over the plants again for parasite infestation just to be on the safe side...other than that, if theres no signs of deficiencies, and the problem doesn't spread anytime soon, l wouldn't worry about it


Active Member
The leaves feel soft as hell, like velvet or something lol. But they're definitely not dry feeling. And around the hole on the underside of the leaf is dark green, like wet looking. I know my boyfriend said our soil thermometer fell on the plant but the leaf is higher than the thermometer so I dunno if that caused it.


Active Member
Yeah, l'd just keep a close watch and see what happens the next couple you mist your plants? Too big of water droplets can magnify the light and burn holes through the leaves (happened to me lol) but from the pic that really doesn't seem to be the case here.


Active Member
We haven't misted. We have a bottle of water with Superthrive that my boyfriend has wanted to mist on the plants but I haven't let him cause I wasn't sure if that's okay to do, so can I mist with that or should I mist with water?


Active Member
Yeah as long as its meant for a foliar feed it should be fine (albeit diluted a little more even from the manufacturers instructions)...also, if you plan to keep misting with foliar feeds through veg (wouldn't really much during flower, risk of mold), maybe once a week wipe your leaves off with a paper towel dipped in skim milk...this helps clear up all the salt deposits left behind after the water evaporates, letting your plant breathe a little easier...just make sure the leaves arent just soaking with it


Active Member
Well he used the mist once on the reggie we have going and it didn't seem to hurt it. And it's really just one light mist from like a foot and a half away. I cleaned out a body mist bottle really good with very hot soapy water before putting the water/Superthrive in so it's not coming from a normal spray bottle, so it's literally a light mist.

When misting, should it only be done at night to avoid burning the leaves?


Active Member
If its a very very light mist, you can any time of day...but me, l usually misted mine either 30 mins before lights on, or 30 mins before lights out...seemed to work well.


Active Member
On my first grow, l misted twice daily and that of course drowned l stepped it back to once every other day, and that helped really depends on the humidity in the space. Invest in a hygrometer, walmart sells them for 5 bucks and it records the lowest/highest temperature and humidity levels reached. During veg, you can keep humidity around 50% and be good...during flowering though, l would try to keep it at or under 30%.


Active Member
How often can I mist without worrying about mold or suffocating the leaves? Skim milk? Really? Weird.
mist only at night when the lights out and make sure it will be dry before lights on and use a very low strength of your nutes and don't spray your buds!


Active Member
We actually have a pretty nifty thermometer/hygrometer that does tell all that, even has a picture of a little dude and in suggested clothing for the day and stuff lol. But we had a humidifier going and had the humidity at about 46% but we had a mold problem so we ditched the humidifier and they seem to be growing fine without it. Being in Arizona, it was hard to keep the temperature and humidity at what they're supposed to be at because when the humidifier was on, it was hot as hell but when the temp was right the humidity was too low so yeah, we said fack it! It's saying right now our humidity is 16% and the temp is 86F. I've read that that isn't a great temperature but the plants will grow in it and standing in the closet doesn't feel that hot at all.


Active Member
Yeah humidifiers are usually overkill in small gardens lol plant transpiration, misting, and in open res setups, water evaporation usually all provide enough enough humidity to suffice (l've actually quit misting altogether and haven't really noticed a difference)....and 86 is a bit on the high side but not too much of an inhibitor, additional CO2 supplements will help the plants cope with higher room temps


Active Member
As long as you're not tearin the leaves, they'll be alright....just start from the petiole and work your way outwards, maybe give it another swoop with a dry paper towel to make sure theres not too much residue resting on the leaves


Active Member
What's the best/ most cost efficient way of doing that? We've tried the yeast and sugar in the water jug but that seemed like way to much work and the smell of yeast makes me wanna gag. We've seen some CO2 tabs and stuff but don't know exactly how we'd use those (like mist or water with it) and have also read about misting with club soda. So yeah, I've wanted to get more CO2 in there but wasn't sure the best route to go.


Active Member
The guy at the hydroponics store said to water with Superthrive like every 3 waterings. Should I do the same with the misting? Like mist with only water for 3 days (every other day) and then mist with Superthrive?


Active Member
Club soda is a bust....theres not really enough C02 to give any benefits, unless u misted them constantly (which of course is a no no)...the sugar/yeast solution is really the best home-made way, provided you mix enough for the space in question (l used and empty 5 gal gas tank in my 4x4x7) for anything else, it'll cost ya some money...dry ice baths are the best, take a small chunk and put it in an old paint can or somethin with some lukewarm water and hang it over your girls, they'll go NUTS for that, but you'll be buyin it constantly (though its not greatly expensive, just have to use it within a couple days before it all melts off)...other ways include purging CO2 bottles used for bb/paintball guns (not very cost efficient, or effiente in any way unless you have no air exchange in your garden)...they also make CO2 buckets that you plug into the wall, supposed to supply a garden for up to 3 months, but those are a couple hundred dollars last time l priced one


Active Member
Yeah l would do the same with misting...and if thats how you're going to do it, you can prolly stand to clean the leaves only once every two weeks (although its not really necessary, not cleaning them won't kill the plants, l do it just as good measure)


Active Member
You can buy dry ice? Lol Let's say I go with the dry ice method, how do I hang it above the plants? Same way as hanging a light? How high above them can I put it?