Nicest dispensary in Denver

(I only know about med)

Kind Love - Prob the most "high class" in terms of decor and whatnot. Their bud and concentrates are amongst the best as well. I am a member here. Pretty sure they are still med only but they said they are opening rec sometime soon.

CAM - Have rec and their bud is fire, have so many good Kush strains. Love they way the have all the jars out for you to just browse(on med anyway, never been on rec side). Wife is a member here.

Denver Relief - rounds out my top 3 dispensaries in Denver, their bud is fire, good strains and they used to carry tons of fresh frozen slw from essential extracts but that all got fucked up, I haven't been there since they started carrying THE.

People mentioned some others....

The Clinic - They are ok, concentrates better than the pre-packed bud. "Higher class" decor.
Pink House - Not super great but better than a lot of others.
TGS - Terrible products in a nice atmosphere.
Euflora - Terrible products in a wannabe Apple store, basically a trendier TGS.
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For anyone going to Breck...

Was just there today; checked in on the Breck Cann Club...$50 per 1/8.

Fuck that, took my own but wanted ti see what prices were like. Tourist prices are crap.
$15 a gram seems steep!!!!

I think the most I have paid is $10 a gram and that pissed me off!!!!!

It is steep and its bullshit. As I said though...that is rec.

However, I have seen even dispensaries sell $7-$10 a gram. I still dont even like paying that much.
Yea wut he said.... There is an article from 12/19 that gives all the deets.

Its funny cuz I got an OZ and my wife signed up with them on 12/21.

Apperently the Rec side has been closed for a few weeks, and now the Med is shutdown.
They couldn't sell anything from the two grows with bad paperwork... So they probably just kept going til the herb from documented sites was gone.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
That's a good question. RR used to have a super-soil room and their motto is(was?) "Premium Organic Cannabis". But it was garbage the 6 months I was a member there and when they went Rec shit went even further down the rabbit hole. Also Dredd left them so god only knows at this point, lol.

L'Eagle used to front 100% organic grown and promote the shit out of their IWE hash. I went there once and the bud all smelled the same(like crap) and the IWE was garbage, I still have the rest of that gram somewhere, lol.

Honestly, I'm not sure that anyone uses organics outside of home growers(my garden is FIRE, lol). I do know that Kind Love uses organic pest prevetion and fungicides(bc of the list on every bottle) but I'm not sure about their nutes. Just do yourself a favor and get stuff from them, they fell off when they sold the place but even with that they still have the best flowers, in quality, flavor, and potency.
I use to trim for Shear Solutions which caters to all the big grows in town. Kind Love was one of our big guys. I can contest to their quality. Out of all the grows I have been, they had the largest nugs, most potent smells. Lemon G. Alien Rock Candy. WiFi. All smelled insane. Have never purchased their bud yet, currently I have been a customer of Terrapin at their sole Medical shop. Price/Quality is nice. But I'm going to be checking out some that I haven't yet. What I have had that is fire that no one has mention yet is Lush and Allgreens, both of these shops turn out some grade a ganja.
Hey folks, I'm taking my wife to Denver for her birthday. Even though I'm a grower she wants to go buy at a rec dispensary for fun. I'm looking for the highest class dispensary in the downtown area. Pricing really doesn't matter, I'm looking for class and the experience, but it has to have some vape pens with good oil so we can smoke in our hotel suite. Thoughts anyone? Going this weekend so need a bit of quick help!

Sent from Northern Colorado.
Dude. Just go see Guido. He hangs out in the alley behind the Happy Hands Massage parlor downtown. And hey. I hear he got the dank. :bigjoint: