Night time watering


Well-Known Member
I just started flowering and have a quick question....I am using an ebb and flow, with clay pellets and water for 15 minutes every 90 minutes, the plants are growing like crazy...since I switched to 12/12 (was going 24/0) looks like maybe they might be getting a little too much water...Is it a common to water less often when the lights are out?:confused:


Well-Known Member
More Light = More water. I dont water my plants during the dark cycle but thats me. In my experience Ive had more water usage in vegatative than flowering. but I'm mostly a bio guy, More opinionated people are sure to come,


Well-Known Member
watering at night invites too much chance of mold, water in the morning so at least the top layer of soil dries out by night time.


Well-Known Member
watering at night invites too much chance of mold, water in the morning so at least the top layer of soil dries out by night time.
I'm using an ebb and flow and have no soil (clay pellets) but it seems so far that the concensus is to not water at all when lights are off.... sounds kinda scary! I have a massive root structure and am worried about them dryin out...the temp in my room stays around 76 with the lights off, goes up to 79-80 with the lights you still think I might be inviting mold issues if I water , say...every 4 hours during lights out, or are you telling me that nutrient intake by the plant pretty much comes to a halt in the dark? :?


Well-Known Member
well, nutrient intake for different things is higher at nighttime. nutrient intake for photosynthesis is higher during daytime. I haven't done hydro, but I would imagine root rot would be more probable from watering them at night


Well-Known Member
haha i have a similar question but it doesnt have to do with lights off watering... how about, say 4 hours before the lights turn off? :) When I get home late from work, I feel bad that I couldnt water these babies earlier, and at the same time I want the watering to be a good one that they will full absorb and eat up. I dont think its a big deal to water a few hours before lights off but Idk, is it more efficient to just wait till morning so plant has chance to drink it all before lights off