Nike617's 600watt seedsman white widow grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks loghead. Ill do that I might go pick up some new pots tomorrow. and to Captain Insaneo yeah I passed soooo happy I passed with flying colors I got the job and have my new grow started very happy haha. New pics coming up very soon the canaopy came apart on one of my girls so she is doing good now. and my other girls are maturing very quickly soo Enjoy the new pics when they come up :) thanks for the support everyone ;)


Well-Known Member
reaching my 2nd week of vegg. getting excited. This is going well so far. going alot faster then I thought. I need some help with my little one anyone?


Well-Known Member
give it one more week before transplanting...i have mine in 5 in square pots... i started in those red cups then transplanted to the square pots to bury some of the stem


Well-Known Member
ok thanks dude. Hey quick question about my little one. What should I do with it because its far behind the others. now you think I should wait 1 more week to put into a 1 gallon?


Well-Known Member
keep the slower growing little one. it could more than likely turn out to be female. the more rapid growing ones(unless its genetically bred that way) sometimes turn out to be hermies/males.


Well-Known Member
oh thats cool dude thanks. Yeah dude they are all fem seeds. But the reason it small the taproot came up backwards and then I had to replant it and it took another 3 days to even come up so the others have a bug jump on the small one. I dont know how to keep growing it there is such a diffrence with that one compared to the others. so its like when im putting the others into flowering that is still going to be vegging.


Well-Known Member
oh so you think everything is cool then, cause the only reason its like that is because it really hasnt been growing as long as the others.


Well-Known Member
well, it may or may not be done as the same time as the others. if you can keep it you should, for no wasted genetics ya know? but if you don't care i'd say keep the strongest ones, clone em, and continue the process.


Well-Known Member
yeah I agree, its just that its som much smaller then the others. So im not sure what to do yet.


Well-Known Member
possibly new pics coming up tonight, if not tomorrow. the light turns of at 4. They will be put into 1 gallons tonight. so new pics tonight if not tomorrow. thanks for all the help so far. Things are going really well so far. Im also picking up my nutes this week too. and starting nutes one week from today.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone just transplanted the plants into 1 gallon grow bags, then moved them closer to the light. pictures will be up in about 30 minutes or so.


Active Member
So far so good bud. you really are spoiling them with that fancy water huh. my plants only get the finest tap water phed at a perfect 6.5.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I love spoiling them haha. Yeah thats awsome dude. I don't know what the ph is on mine, I haven't tested it yet. But im sure its good. They seem to love it. Im not sure when I should transfer into 3 gallons though? lol