Nirvana AK48 first grow


Repoted my plants, and gave them lot of water, cut off the dead leaves and now hope they will recover.

Day 32. Wanting to put them in flowering tomorrow.


kevin murphy

New Member
never cut fan leaves there the plants energy always take dead leqaves but day by day not all at once it releases hormone into the plant when it gets much it will hermie...just litle advice lol...nice and bushy though...get it flowered tomoz or day after let it recover first


Well-Known Member
You're plants look great roll. I topped mine when they had 5 true nodes and then switched them to 12/12 2 weeks later.


Thank you Kevin, some new info for me. They are still in vegitative, they seem to recover slowely, no more died leaves. Want to put it in flowering today. Will see later, how they doing today.


I wanted the 600W bulb, but couldn't get it anywhere, need to order it, thinking to put 600W on my next grow. :) two plants under 600W, sounds good. :P


New Member
Hi there growers, I want to share with you my "green lab". :D
First thing I did read lot of info about growing, marijuana growing bible, other books, and of course this great forum.
Then I started to search for the strain I would like to grow and smoke. Wanted to find something easy to grow, as it is my first grow experience, wanted something that won't get huge, because my space is limited, and something more high than stoned. Checked lots of shops and strains, but some how stayed with nirvana shop and AK48 feminized, ordered 5 seeds, they came fast, packed in a free sample wallet. :D Great service. Then I ordered grow box from as I am from Europe. Shipping was free and fast. Ordered, ballast, 250w HPS and 250W MH lights, soil Atami, cooling reflector, carbon filter, Cellmax grow and bloom nutritions, the extractor fan, fan for air intake, some accessories, timers, wires n other shit.
Germinated the seeds, two of them went huge, two of them not so big and one of them didn't germinate at all, but its ok, because I wanted two plants all the time, germinated all 5 seeds so I can choose strongest two. Planted them in pots at 1st of september, planted for seeds and thinking to put i bigger pots just two of them.

I am running 20/4 hour light cycle, 250w MH at vegetative period. Pictures taken today, now they are week old.
The box is 0,5 Mq - 090x050x160cm size.
My extractor fan works on one timer with the light. But the air intake is on other timer and turns on for 15 minutes each hour, so the plants could get fresh air(from my room) but the box stays warm inside.
I have something about 28* Celsius inside there. Humidity about 45%.

Please feel free to comment, I want some critic, comments and suggestions. Do the plants look healthy? Are they big enough?

At the moment the third seed is catching the two biggest, how do you think will there be space enough for three plants and will the light 250W will be enough for three plants? Or just leave 2 biggest plant when moving them to bigger pots?

So here are pictures of my setup, my grow box, my plants. The picture where the plants are smaller is 2 days older.

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New Member
during veg. t8 shop lights are just as good and much cheaper
but during bud 600wts are kind of your best minimium bet.they'll look good with your set up but they won't have much kick in just 250.sorry dude


Day 35. First day in flowering.

Very happy. You can see in the pic that the plants are recovered and looks a lot better. :)



Something happened to my ballast and the light turned off, the ballast was VERY hot and the ignitor too, maybe I did wire something wrong but it did work yesterday, but that is not a problem, connected my 250W his bulb for now, and ordered 600W hps sonlight. :D Will be here in few days.


Active Member
Those look grate moving along nice id say perfect time to flower. I noticed the AK 48 dont like being rootbound at least mine didnt.