Nirvana are crooks!!!!


New Member
about three weeks ago I ordered 8 different strains, my order was put on hold because I was flagged , for possible credit card fraud. they asked me to take a picture of my card..I did so( which I didn't want to do) but I complied. they accepted my card and my order offered to send an extra free seed "for the inconvenience" three week later they sent me only 3* (not the 8 i ordered).seeds which were my bottom picks. and a blank seed pack which I took as a fxck you from Nirvana. THATS SHADY AF!!!!


Active Member
Just talk to them. I order from them every 2-3 months and never have any problems. Take a pic of the seeds and see what they say. For me, this place is as safe as having the sellers right in front of me.

Oh yea, my seeds always also come with one empty seed pack. Every time, dude.


New Member
trust me I've ordered from them before, so I didn't understand the reason for taking a picture of my card (very unorthodox) but this time was different. It appeared as though, they took what >they thought I should have and hit "send" they didn't even approve those seeds with me. but they took the time out to ask me to take a pic of my card.

and I have gotten empty seed packs as well. and I wouldn't have taken it as disrespect if they didn't offer to send me free seed and all the drama they put me through.