Nirvana Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
Blue Mystic I vegged wayyy to long and topped too much without scrogging.

she needs about 4-5 weeks more.. She is actually growing in miracle gro seed starter mix.. 1 1/2 bags of it made 3.5 gallons of light airy soil.

I had to use that this grow and chose it because its light and airy and almost no NPK

during its veg life it was fed grow big one time then 2 feedings of HB-101.

Topped 4 times and it had to veg 20/4 till an autoflower finished for bout 45 days.

Blue mystic ended up vegging maybe 8 weeks .. it was a while.

flipped to flower on 11/24/16

In flower she was fed big bloom 2 times till i ran out then tiger bloom, open sesame 1 time.. grow big first flower feeding. beastie bloomz 2 times with tiger bloom.. tonight was 1.5 tsp tiger bloom and 1/4 tsp cha ching.

she has been one floppy bitch... top heavy and leaning hard right or left daily.. I think I got that fixed tonight after i fed her.

I just wanna get this grow done... she has been a pain for floppiness (leaning)

bottom most nug on plant... 5 weeks to go tops
