Nirvana Bubblelicious and W.O.S. Afghan Kush Special (400 Watt HPS)

Hello everyone. I'm starting my 2nd grow this time with a 400 Watt HPS(Sun System). Simple closet grow with only 2 strains Nirvana's Bubblelicious and World of Seeds Afghan Kush Special. The seeds were germed on 12-21-10 using the paper towel method and have since then sprouted and taken off. My growing medium is MG Organic Potting Soil and Perlite. The soil has no added time released nutes which is nice because I intend to use the Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow, Bloom set. Only plan on vegging 2 weeks because I move in about 3 months and when I have my new place set up I'm going to switch to all Fox Farm soil and nutes so please don't give me any crap about the MG soil because it's all I could find locally so my folks wouldn't see a big bag of soil sitting there from UPS. Also thanks everyone on this site I've learned so much in the last year I encourage any feedback on my grow and Happy Growing:mrgreen: Pics coming soon!
Well there looking pretty good. I moved the light from 24" to 16" and they seem to be just fine. Temps while light is on range from 78 to 81 degrees and with light off between 70 and 72 degrees. I'm planning on switching from 20/4 to 12/12 next week because of the moving situation. Here's some quick pics I managed to take before work :mrgreen: 2nd pic is Afghan and 3rd is Bubblelicious

1-3-11.jpgafghan 1-3-11.jpgbubble 1-3-11.jpg