Nirvana Cash Payment


Active Member
hey, this was my first time buying online and i ordered 20 regular white widow seeds from nirvana.
i didnt pick fems cause they cost more and i really need the males for cross breeding with my garbage plants i got now, besides i get double the seeds so wtf why not.

anyway i paid them in cash, been almost 2 weeks and still no update on my payment.
so just wondering how long does this take if u pay by mail?
also does the pay by mail method reliable? as in not known to be a scam or having the envelope seized cause theres money in it (not too sure on money in the mail these days)?


Well-Known Member
I personally would never send cash; however Nirvana is trustworthy. I've read of others that have and they got their beans just fine. I paid for mine with CC and it took two weeks for me to get them. Go to the site and visit the Help Desk and create a ticket and include the order number and ask them for an update.
I actually also just did a cash order. send the cash out on Feb 28th wrapped in a few pieces of printer paper with the order # and they still claim that they haven't received :( $90 down the drain, won't be doing that again


Well-Known Member
i've done 4 cash orders, not to nirvana, but some other banks
got every order intact - so cash has worked for some of us

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I have ordered seeds via cash mail, and i got my seeds in a fairly timely manner. maybe you should have sent it requiring signature, or delivery notifucation :P
I recently sent a cash order to nirvana and they received my payment in 6 days. So it can be done. Although mail travel can be very unpredictable unless you have a way to track it. So I wouldn't start to worry until its been over a month.