Nirvana Debit Card processing question


Active Member
I placed an order with Nirvana last saturday with my debit card. I have checked all through the week at the shipping info and it still says "waiting for payment(1 from 7)" I was wondering if debit cards take longer to process than a regular credit


Active Member
why don't you pay with cash? Its faster and safer...I payed with cash and they got my payment in 1 week. Got my seeds 3 1/2 weeks later. I ordered 10 fem snow white, and they gave me 10 free.


Active Member
nirvana sent me my seeds in like a week and half i used a debit card yo i have no problem with them they updated you on the step they was on just about every day


Active Member
It might be because they just updated there site and server, I'm going to wait a few more days before I start complaining