Nirvana Ice Problem


Well-Known Member
Sorry everyone, I meant to put this in the "problem" room. Would a Mod be kind enough to move this thread?

Hello all, Happy New Year and thanks for droppin in.. Sorry for the horrible pic.. Here's the problem:

A couple of weeks into flower the top fan leaves were yellowing, drying, developing brown spots and eventually dying. It's worsened and spread to the new leaf growth sprouting from the main cola itself. All my 4 ladies have the same symptoms.

I first assumed it was heat stress as I didn't have my thermometer in a good spot. I have my temps under control now. I've done extensive research (trying to prevent a new thread) in the forums and the closest thing I found was a mg def. But nothing exactly the same.

400W HPS conversion 12" from canopy
10"dia x 8" deep pots with Hortibec potting soil (no nutes listed)
Tap water (allowed to sit 2-3 days) ph'd to 6.3-6.5 (drops, so not that accurate) watered when top couple inches are dry
Using Dutch Nutrient Formula Bloom A + B (from Homegrown Hydroponics in Toronto area) every other watering (2.5ml each per L)

..and that's about as simple as this grow is.. oh and the exact same thing happened my first grow but not to this extent and they did survive.

Any and all responses are welcomed and appreciated :weed:

