Nirvana Misty grow With Pics


Well-Known Member
No i havent, first time with misty.

They are looking AMAZING now, the one plants buds are absolutely huge, i will post some more pics soon.

Recently my mate bought another 400w HPS etc so we hooked that up to come on every so often for a couple of hours, more of a boost, seems to have worked extremely well!

4/5 weeks left to go till harvest time baby!!


Well-Known Member
I have searched and searched and you the first one I've seen.
Lots of early misty but no misty. so I'm looking foreword to your grow.


Well-Known Member
They look good and healthy. Just keep watching them and yes talk to them and play them music:P



Well-Known Member
SO here we are at day 38 of flowering, and my oh my!

Currently every OTHER watering i am feeding them. I am using VIVA BLOOM, i think its meant for hydroponics, but it says you can use it with soil. There is part A and B. 2ml of each per litre of water.
Each plant is taking 2 litres of water.

So far so good me thinks! Just over two weeks left i believe, perhaps longer depending on maturity!

What does everybody think? Should they perhaps have more THC glands? Bigger buds? Or are they looking sweet??

Using the pictures as a rough guide, what do people think in terms of YIELD??



Well-Known Member
Your guess is the best out of anyones mate....

How tall wide are they? Any special LST methods?(FIM, topping, tying, etc...) What size pots are they in?


Well-Known Member
I suppose you are right. I LST'd two of them (tied down), the others that were turned out male.
15litre pots.
Height id say about 4ft/ - 4 1/2ft.
Width is about 2 1/2ft...