NIRVANA + my friends given plants. First grow journal..11 plants


DSCI0008.jpg#4DSCI0007.jpg#3DSCI0009.jpg#4DSCI0010.jpg#5DSCI0011.jpg#5DSCI0013.jpg#5DSCI0012.jpg#5 i might have got the numbers wrong on some because of the lighting but yeah i like #3 the best if you guys can tell what one says 3 they are numbered from 1-5 lol so this is the improvements my plants have made these are amazing. compare and contrast from my pics on photo bucket they they are about 2 weeks old today ^.^ they should be totally done in 2 months because of the auto flower lol. so enjoy your weed porn lololol jk


10/11/2010 i don't know about the big ones they are looking a little wilted and i am having trouble finding out if they are really girls or not i mean i see the V on the nodes but even then they are tall and not really growing any hairs after a couple of months or i (guess and estimated to the best of my ability even though i am new lolol) but there is one that does have some hairs and you can see the THC crystals on the leaves, along with it being short and stocky i took all the different strains into consideration and i am having some doubt's. i think it might just be the strain but still even with that some of the leaves look rely wilted, crinkled, yellow tips. and some of them seem to be stretching still. i mean they are clones and i don't know much about them so i was wondering if i posted some pic's of the plants problems and a good picture of all the different plants nodes?


Dude best advice i can offer is get some HPS lighting, especially for a tent grow that size, CFL's just arnt going to cut it.

i was also wondering that if i changed my lighting to HPS is the spectrum of light too dull? i thought that that was ideal for budding? idk but i wanted to get some new lights and i found a 400W HPS light system lol so more ionfo would be nice and helpful ^.^