Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower First ever grow! 300w dual spec cfl

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
Day 9

Well lads its been 9 days since the first plant got potted up. unfortunately the other seed i planted at the same time didn't make it. About 3 or 4 days after it broke ground it shrivelled up and died which is a shame.

Plant #1 is healthy enough. its been in the pot for around 6 days now (sprouted 4 days ago) and is standing about 55mm tall

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Plant #2 (Formerly Called Plant #3)

Planted this young lady about 3 or 4 days ago. Currently standing about 35mm tall. im still a wee bit worried about this one. one of the starter leaves hasn't opened properly. its about twice the thickness of the other starter leaf on the plant and defiantly thicker than the starter leaves on the other plant. the picture doesn't really show that.

2013-01-13 20.25.05.jpg

PS: i've got no idea why my pictures rotate sideways when i upload them. they display properly when i look at them on my phone and laptop. im probably doing something wrong somewhere!

EDIT: forgot to mention that my plug timer thing packed up the other night and they had an hour or two of darkness in the middle of their light cycle. my fault really, i should have spent more than £2 on it!


Well-Known Member
googd luck with the grow looking foward to comparing notes when we are both done...mine are growing like crazy !

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
cheers man i had a look at your journal there the other night you're grows looking decent to man! heres to hoping that it all goes smoothly for the pair of us!


Active Member
humiditys pretty low. i started the off in little diy humidity domes to help them sprout. im misting them right after the lights come back on again after they have a little sleep. im going to give the 2 that are doing ok a bit of a water today seeing as they've been in their pots for 5 days now with nothing but a light misting every day.

the low aroma is one of the reasons i went for this particular strain! just wanted to make sure that they actually live up to the hype
everytime ya see the top of the soil gettin dry give it a spray,i spray mine at least twice a day when there sprats they seem ta like it.
at least ya have one nice lookin plant le spliff,well done man;-)

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
cheers pal i've been misting twice a day since thursday and they seem to be liking it! im germing up another seed to replace the plant that died a few days ago. to be safe i've changed over the soil to a fresh batch. on the plus side the healthier plant is starting to develop a second set of true leaves!

im gonna start off with weak nutes at the end of the third week. its still like ten days away but cause im gonna have to order them off the net. cause they're autos i've read that i should just crack straight on with bloom nutes. im thinking bio bloom or maybe advanced nutrients big bud. anyone have any advice on nutes?


Well-Known Member
Don't mist your plants too often, the water droplets can burn the leaves if they are directly under the light. Once or twice a week won't hurt anything though. Good luck!

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
another little update for today. i found a ladybird cruising round my house and managed to trap her and get her into the grow room with the plants! hopefully she'll live and protect them from any pests especially the dreaded spidermites! also planed the seed that i was germinating so finally got 3 on the go again. i just wish the weed drought i was going through so i could have a celebratory bifter! :sad:

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
to be honest with you im probably going to build a tent when they start to outgrow the space they're in and pop a hps in with them and use the cupboard to start the next batch! this growing malarky is pretty addictive!


Active Member
ye it is addictive man,and if your caught with 7 or less plants in the uk first time is only a caution.
wish it was like that here.your laughin if ya can set up a seperate flower room.

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
yeah i did a bit of research into that before i started growing. they're pretty lenient on growers which im pretty happy about. its just a shame that they don't legalise especially with more and more pressure from MPs and even people in the house of lords. in my opinion David Camerons the only person really standing in the way, i think hes trying to safe face and protect previous governments who have always said weed is bad. i wish there was a referendum about it, would be amazing to just pop out and get a couple grams from a shop! anyway thats beside the point, i dont see it happening for at least another 5 to 10 years which is a shame.

anyway, after getting a bit off topic, im thinking of doing 1 or 2 big grows a year to sort me out with another supply so i don't have to deal with some of the more unsavoury dealers out there that i've come into contact with in the last few years

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
Day 11

not a lot going on really. plants seem pretty happy enough. temperature is dead on 25c lights on 20c lights off. getting half decent air flow but gonna whack a fan in there tomorrow to build some strength in the stems as the shorter plant seems a bit lop sided. though i'd chuck up some pictures of how things are looking today. the reason why i'm putting up so many pictures is that i'm constantly checking out my progress compared to people growing similar strains and i hope they'll be useful for others :peace:

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Well-Known Member
hey from what i see things look pretty good..plants are strong and new growth looks healthy... keep on keepin on !

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
cheers nugs your girls are coming along very under the LEDs to! I'm probs gonna upgrade to a big ol 600w hps in a few weeks and build a separate grow tent so i can use my cfl to start off another grow. got some photoperiod white widow x big bud seeds when i ordered the NL autos which i'm just dying to get going!


just orderd 5 of these for myself today so very intrested in how this turns out for you , been reading many bad reviews about nirvana lately so quite anxious to get them started off. best of luck bud

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
just orderd 5 of these for myself today so very intrested in how this turns out for you , been reading many bad reviews about nirvana lately so quite anxious to get them started off. best of luck bud
i read quite a few bad reviews myself mate, i noticed that a large number of them dated back to 2009/2010 when there was a problem with them autoing. its seems that a lot of people had to flim em to 12/12 to get them to flower. i've had no real problems so far, out of the seeds i've used so far i've had a 100% germination record however one didn't make it and died soon after sprouting, as this is my first grow i think that was probably my fault. a few other people i've been talking to on here are also growing the nirvana NL autos and say they're a good strain so i'm feeling hopeful!

check out this thread as well man this guy is growing NL autos under LEDs which is pretty interesting

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
Day 14

Well lads still not got a lot going on. plants seem to be loving life at the moment. the third seed i germinated a few days ago has poped its head out and seems happy enough to me. only slight problem is that when the lights are off the temp drops down to about 18c because its freezing here at the moment and bucketing snow outside. the bigger plant appears to be developing its first node along with a few new leaves. gave the big un a feeding with some really weak grow nutes today. depending on how that works out i'll probs give them all a 1 or 2 doses of weak grow nutes before kicking off with some bloom nutes around week 4 or 5 depending on how they're coming along :peace:

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Well-Known Member
Careful you don't burn them.... I know you only gave them a light feed but they really dont need it..
The little roundy leafs and your soil has more than enough food and nutes to live for a good 6-7 weeks..

Just talking from experience is all... Girls looking great..

Le Spliff Doctor

Active Member
cheers for the advice jay i gave them 1/8 of the recommended dose of bio grow. managed to pick of 500ml of bio grow and bio bloom for £5 each at my local hydro which im pretty pleased with! lord knows how that place makes money everything seems to be so cheap in there compared to the internet. managed to get my light and hanger for £30 to