Nirvana Papaya Hydro Grow. comment plz


Hi all,
having spent the past few weeks researching this forum ive decided to take the plungeand get growing.:mrgreen:
Ive decided on a simple homemade ebb and flow system which ive made from 4" pipe for my flowering room and a drip system i bought in b&q for the vegging area.
I will be using 6oow hps lamo for flowering and i have a standard warehouse type flourescent for vegging.
I recently moved into a new house so ive assigned the box bedroom as my growspace, Iv sectioned off about 4.5x3x7 to be my flowering room. Due to financial restrictions i will be building it as i go along. Next on the list is a 600w hps light.
i will be using an inline fan to extract air from the room and have a passive air intake. i dont think ill need carbon filters because i live in the countryside and the exhaust fron the room is out an upstairs window. for air movement inside i will be using oscillating fans.
I bought papaya seeds from a local headshop and 7 out of 10 germd in a paper towel in my airing cupboard. I transferred them to rockwool cubes and they all broke ground within 2-4 days. Iv named them girls names Amy Barbra Ciara Dorothy Eva Fiona Glenda in the order they popped. They are 3-5 days old now and are starting to grow a second set of leaves. Ill get some pics up soon.
i Will be using BioBizz bloom and grow nutes with maxicrop seaweed stuff and formulex for the seedlings. Im just watering them by hand for now cause iv read that overwatering is not good at this stage.
Ok i think thats about it for now, looking forward to some input from you guys along the way and of course for some sweet bud after xmas:weed:


Well-Known Member
papaya was a fun one to grow..
did it outdoors though..
im sure it will do better for you indoors..