nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

Potseed McGee

Active Member
nirvana mystery seeds, they can be quite good, the plants seem happy anyways
you may be able to post some pics when they are nearly ripe, when their look may be distinctive enough for someone to tell what strain they are
the PPP grow log is on another site, the mods here don't care for links to other grow sites
Ah ok, are his plants short and busy as well? It seems its a really slow grower (at least mine is) but that could because of how abused she is. The mysteries are doing very well, i've read they put on the most size the last couple weeks (and they should be ready when the trichs are cloudy) so hopefully thats true. I should be able to get some decent trich shots here soon with some camera modifications. If it comes tomorrow i'll see if i can take some pics and post 'em up. My biggest fear right now is how far behind the PPP plant may be (mostly due to possibly having to move)


Well-Known Member
looks like the indica pheno of PPP is more common, there is a sativa pheno too
i'd say we both have the indica pheno, the prevailing opinion is the indica pheno is the better one
i think your good on the PPP time, at least i think your ripening schedule hasn't been set too far back
probably more about reduced yields, we should be able to synch up here pretty well, i'm at 4 1/2 weeks flower
looking at the both of them should give you an idea on how long you have to go

Potseed McGee

Active Member
looks like the indica pheno of PPP is more common, there is a sativa pheno too
i'd say we both have the indica pheno, the prevailing opinion is the indica pheno is the better one
i think your good on the PPP time, at least i think your ripening schedule hasn't been set too far back
probably more about reduced yields, we should be able to synch up here pretty well, i'm at 4 1/2 weeks flower
looking at the both of them should give you an idea on how long you have to go
Yeah, looks like I'm a week behind you. I started flowering on April 4th, so four weeks should be this coming week. My buds are really flat but I'm not overly worried, this is my first grow. Learning phase. :)

And on the plus side, if my work does move me, it'll be to the land of pot, California :)


dude! your plant using LSt inspires me to do lst ! even though im on my first grow right now doing no mods to it, i just started a 2nd seed, i cant wait to do lst now!!! fuckkkk. did u do topping or cutting of anything? cus i thought u did cus it looks so damn bushy?


Well-Known Member
dude! your plant using LSt inspires me to do lst ! even though im on my first grow right now doing no mods to it, i just started a 2nd seed, i cant wait to do lst now!!! fuckkkk. did u do topping or cutting of anything? cus i thought u did cus it looks so damn bushy?
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good luck in your lst, it seems to be treating me well
no topping or cutting, i think the plant was naturally compact, and the lst made it really compact
just checked it out, looking even better today, got to post a pic a little later


Well-Known Member
right at 5 weeks, 3-4 weeks more? i guess you never can be sure
one thing is really standing out, this is a champion low odor pheno
really has no smell at all unless touched
of course, not all like the low odor strains, to each their own
so here's the current pic, fans keep yellowing, but seems like the plant's schedule



Active Member
right at 5 weeks, 3-4 weeks more? i guess you never can be sure
sure you have the best weeks ahead, those when the buds just fatten up! but at some point you have to make a call and flush, right? :) what's the trigger you look at? white/amber ratio?

so here's the current pic, fans keep yellowing, but seems like the plant's schedule
looks good m8, new/upper growth seems perfectly healthy :) - you didn't steer from your nute schedule or did you make adjustments regarding that lil' yellowing?


Well-Known Member
sure you have the best weeks ahead, those when the buds just fatten up! but at some point you have to make a call and flush, right?
what's the trigger you look at? white/amber ratio?
at this point, just a best guess, i'll just start using straight water for the last 2 weeks
i think it would be very hard to estimate when the last 2 weeks are going to be
so read all the grow logs i could on PPP, looks like 9 weeks is the 'time', so water starts at week 7

looks good m8, new/upper growth seems perfectly healthy
- you didn't steer from your nute schedule or did you make adjustments regarding that lil' yellowing?
feeding the same, bone meal tea once a week, it has a nice shot of nitrogen with it, MG Organic bone meal(6-9-0)
but like you saw, the colas are good color, fans losing their color, but it looks ok to me on the whole


Well-Known Member
I myself am doing a tube grow. With 78w of CFL to. I'm starting to think that the tube is what makes for busy plants because I have a mostly sativa breed and she is 10 inches tall. 2 weeks of vegging and just started flowering. Hoping for a female, but nice grow. :)


Well-Known Member
I myself am doing a tube grow. With 78w of CFL to. I'm starting to think that the tube is what makes for busy plants because I have a mostly sativa breed and she is 10 inches tall. 2 weeks of vegging and just started flowering. Hoping for a female, but nice grow.
another tube grower? good to hear from you, you're the 1st i've heard from
feel free to post you link to your grow log if you have one, or just post pics here
and any experiences you've had in building and growing that you want to share


Well-Known Member
No grow log for me because I don't have a camera. Lol.
I made a thread about tube growing a few months ago and no one said anything about growing in one themselves but a few were interested.

But for mine I was at a craft store and saw some kind of cardboard material that was in a huge tube. So I bought and glued two sides together and hung some lights, and then cut a few holes for fans. Nothing to fancy. Lol.


Well-Known Member
5 1/2 weeks of 12/12, the lower fan leaves are melting before my eyes
this is my 1st strain that has ripened this way, it's kind of scary
but the bud is good, and getting thicker, very sticky to the touch
3 more weeks should make it like flypaper



Well-Known Member
It's probably light not reaching the lower leaves. You should be good to go.
that's probably part of it, but some of the lower fans have stayed green, others just withering

is that pvc
it's aluminum flashing, prepainted white on one side
pvc would work fine probably, but i liked the idea of the pretty fireproof aluminum


Active Member
growone! could it be potassium def?
It hit me when you wrote:
feeding the same, bone meal tea once a week, it has a nice shot of nitrogen with it, MG Organic bone meal(6-9-0)
you have low potassium diet maybe? :) what you think? if so, couls be worth trying correct that at this point?
looks like this pic that shows potassium def (veins at center remain green, decoloration/yellowing starting from the borders):
( source, complete page )

you probably know better than me but... what the heck I thought I could give you my two cents m8 :)


Well-Known Member
you have low potassium diet maybe?
maybe, i've been relying on the potassium in the molasses, which is a pretty good source of potassium
i have used wood ash in my previous grows in varying amounts
didn't seem to make much difference, one way or the other, so i didn't use it this time
but different strains have different quirks on their feed, so it is possible

the quirk with the PPP is for every fan leaf that yellows up, i get a bunch of green leaves on the colas
which is normal for PPP, actually kind of a pain to trim

but thanks for the suggestion, i had been thinking about the K level myself
i will probably ride it out as is, and see the final tally, a good yield would imply the nutrients were adequate


Active Member
i had been thinking about the K level myself
i will probably ride it out as is, and see the final tally, a good yield would imply the nutrients were adequate
I thought you would but... :) eheh b patient I'm a noob
I didn't know about molasses carrying potassium (blush) good to know!
well you're probably right & I'll stay tuned :) c ya m8 ;)