Nirvana Seeds Stop Accepting Credit Cards?


Active Member
I went to an ol reliable source for seeds (Nirvana) and went to check out and they dont accept credit cards anymore. Two months ago they did, and via email with customer svc, they said make sure your card allows intern'l purchases. So now, Im checking Royal Queen, etc and seeing options to bank wire, or send cash. No CC's. Is this a new thing? Or am I just being singled out somehow? Perplexed on how and where to get good seeds suddenly.


Well-Known Member
There's more than one seller not taking CCs at the moment. I wonder if some government agency is causing the CC processors to cut them off.


I'm pretty sure they just stopped accepting credit cards very recently. First I heard of it was yesterday when I checked the weekend whopper. That's why they're giving a 20% discount on all fem strains this weekend - credit card shutdown. I see they're accepting bitcoin now though, so that may be an alternative payment option for you.

I haven't bought anything from either of these in a past few months but, I'm pretty sure both Herbies and Attitude still accept credit cards. I've had success getting my beans with both of them within the past year so check it out. You can even buy Nirvana beans at either bank. Word of warning though... a lot of Attitude packages have been getting caught up at customs within the past few months. Get one of the guaranteed shipping options where ever you go.

Hopefully this trend doesn't spread too far. :cry:


Active Member
So - this seems to be happening widespread. Chicago customs are seizing Attitude Seeds orders. No cards much elsewhere. Im surprised this isnt a wider discussed topic here on the forums. Still ata crossroads where to get seeds from. Was going to pay guaranteed shipping etc for Att. but with all the uproar about customs I dont know...


Active Member
I had to avoid all the seed banks I normally go to. Wasn't comfrtable with the bank transfer, or cash for that matter. Attitude in UK still takes CC. Got mine in two weeks, but paid out the ass for stealth.