Nirvana Shop Feminized Northern Lights w/250 Watt MH/HPS Growlight


Active Member
This is being grown with Miracle Grow soil and 5 gallon smart pots. The pictures included are 3 and a half week old plants. I have built my grow box out of plywood and 2x4's which is lined with 2mm mylar. I keep the light around 12-14 inches above the plants with 2 computer fans being used for exhaust and 1 six inch fan for moving air. Will be keeping them in vegetation until they are around 18 inches tall since they usually double in size minimum during flowering which will be done using a high pressure sodium bulb. Will try to keep up with this grow log and any advice/comments are welcome.



Active Member
Your grow is looking quite awesome brother.....will also be keeping an eye on yours as well. Only nutes I will be adding to mine will be during flowering and I plan to add Organic Black Strap Molasses during that time. Next grow I am thinking of going with a different soil mix and using actual nutes for both veg and flowering.


Active Member
I fim'd one of my plants as you can see clearly from the growth on it compared to the other which is being left alone to achieve that one big top bud. These pictures I have added are the plants at just under 5 weeks growth from seed. I am hoping they are around 16-18 inches tall by the time 8 weeks hits so I can send them into flowering for another 8 weeks give or take. They are both still very healthy and seem to be growing everyday. Right now they both stand around 11-12 inches high and probably almost the same in width as well.P1000462.jpgP1000463.jpgP1000464.jpgP1000465.jpg


Active Member
Will be starting the flowering process tomorrow March 29th and also will be starting to fertilize with MG Bloom Booster on March 30th throughout the flowering process. One plant is currently 12 inches tall and the other is 11 inches tall which is the one I fim'd and has 7 tops to it. Will update with new pictures sometime in the next week after I start flowering.


New Member
awesome dude..great job so far. im very eager to see how much shorter the topped one is, and the yield differences.

how many times did you top her? they are going to double in size during the stretch alone.


Active Member
Only topped her one time by using the FIM method and ended up with 7 tops on her.....she is currently only an inch shorter than the other plant but will see what happens in flowering stage when they really start grow alot faster


Active Member
Alright these pictures were taken today after I installed my HPS bulb as you can tell in the pictures. The light will start going off for 12 hours starting this evening so can't wait to see them grow. Also will be feeding them both with Miracle Gro Bloom Booster fertilizer starting tomorrow and once per week from here on out till last 2 weeks before harvest. Thanks for all the comments and advice!!



New Member
awesome bro. loving this journal. im very eager to see how topping vs non topping goes.

edit: you actually fimmed the plant

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
This strain will stretch significantly over the next few weeks, I mean LEGS. I suggest you use a cool spectrum (MH) for the first 10-14 days of flower to reduce the lenkyness of those girls, this will also give you a much denser finished product without sacrificing potency. Miracle Grow Soil it notorious for giving cannabis nitrogen toxicity problems during flower when their need lowers and the time release capsules raise the levels beyond optimal range. It IS possible to play with the plants ability to uptake N-P-K and micro nutrient content in your medium by playing with the PH of your waterings, unfortunately N is the most versatile and readily available one in the bunch and this technique may not yield successful aversion to the toxity, your choice. I hope all works out for you, in my experience NL is a very forgiving girl and also has tolerance for higher than normal N during this time so your strain choice may save you from despair. Goodluck -S0uP


Active Member
Thanks for the info but I just switched to HPS bulb today so will just stay with that throughout flowering. I am hoping that the MG Bloom Booster fertilizer I start giving it tomorrow will help to keep it bushy and also keeping the light at a good distance I am hoping keeps the buds tight. The plants have already pretty much sucked most of the food from the dirt so hopefully adding the Bloom Booster will offset any deficiencies or so forth throughout flowering. This is only my 2nd grow so still alot to learn and experiment with. Thanks for all the comments and advice though!!


New Member
theyre yellowing? i have a thc bomb thats not 3 weeks old and is yellowing..i never had a plant yellow so early before. its really odd. it makes me think i forgot to mix my super soil..but i know i did..i think.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
You bet, Nitrogen toxicity is when far too much N builds up in the soil over time, which is very common with the MG time release fertz so adding more of anything should be done with extreme caution given your in ability to effectively flush your medium should you take her too far (The more water you would flush with the more N would be released into your soil). Although you may think the plant has used up all of whats available I urge you to see that it simply isnt true. By simply looking at her you could tell if she had used up all of anything by seeing clear signs of deficiency, which she does not. Your choice on the HPS, believe me its only a personal preference and most everybody uses HPS from day 1 of 12/12. I do want to point out that the farther your bulb is away from your plants though, the farther they will stretch, the less dense your buds will be, and the lower your yield due to the canopy penetration/Foot Candle ratio going down; sometimes by 45% per distal inch. Keep it up though looks good-S0uP


Active Member
Thanks for all the info and advice brother. I try to keep the light as close as I can without burning the plant but the setup I have seems to run fairly hot so I have to keep the light around 10-12 inches above the plant. If I try to put it any closer it starts to singe the tips of my leaves. I am hoping that adding the MG Bloom Booster will be alright since as long as I keep to the instructions on the package it is "supposed" to be guaranteed not to burn my plants but we shall see. I would have used your advice about using the MH bulb for 2 more weeks, but I had already switched bulbs out so didn't want to mess around with them again. How do you suggest offsetting the extra Nitrogen in the soil so that I can stop/slow the yellowing and keep these plants growing beautifully? Thanks again for all the advice guys!


New Member
oh it will burn the plants if youre not careful. ive burnt my plants with organic nutes before, straight salt (which mg is) will.

you can keep the mh on for the stretch if youre really concerend, but overall, it wont make that big of a difference.


Active Member
I went to check on the plants this morning when I was also watering them with fertilizer for the first time and noticed that my plant that isn't topped or fimmed was bending over at the top at the main stem. I watered both with fertilizer and eventually the plant erected itself but was just curious as to why it would happen in the first place. The plant itself still looked healthy and all......just the very top of the plant was hanging to the side. My light goes out at 6pm and comes back on at 6am and I checked them around 10am.


Active Member
Yeah it erected itself a little while after I watered both plants so will see how it is in the morning. This is only my second grow so still learning which is why I chose Northern Lights because it is suppose to be one of the hardier strains and easier ones to grow. My next grow though will be with Feminized Pure Power Plant and Feminized Autoflower Short Ryder


Active Member
Well, I checked the plants this morning and the uncut girl with only 1 top has grown two inches since Friday and is now 14 inches tall. The other girl that has a total of 8 tops last I counted isn't growing nowhere near as fast as the uncut plant but that is to be expected seeing how it has more mouths to feed. Seems the first watering with MG Bloom Booster has taken well and I look forward to see what it does over the next few weeks. Will take new pictures probably in a couple days or so and post then.