Nirvana Shop Feminized Northern Lights w/250 Watt MH/HPS Growlight


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Well amazingly enough both plants are already starting to show their female parts although it may not be much yet but still showing nonetheless. The taller uncut female is showing the most which is expected since once again it has less mouths to feed. I will be taking pictures at the end of the week right before I fertilize again on Saturday. Everything is looking good though!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man your plants look great, I hope mine look as good. Interesting to see you doing the pruned vs un-pruned experiment as I was torn with the decision myself, though I have opted for un-pruned, your pruned one looks like it likes it. I am just wary that when it gets big, being an indica with big leaves if it is like a bush, only the very tops will get any light... though I may be wrong. So, very interesting to see your grow. I have a few tips for you journal wise.When you load your pictures if you double click them it brings up the option to resize.. maybe just me but I think it looks a lot better when they appear big and you don't have to click on them.The other one is if at all possible get your flowering pics taken away from the hps light.. the yellow takes a lot of the beauty away, Though it's excellent for hiding deficiencies lol.


Active Member
No deficiencies yet thank god but will take your advice for my next pictures at the end of the week for sure. The pruned plant is going to be quite bushy I am afraid but also has 8 top buds on it as well so should even out hopefully. I fimmed it which is why it has so many top buds but I will always probably leave one plant unpruned because I just love have that one giant main cola. Thanks for the advice though!!


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Well I am thinking that my fimmed plant didn't like being cut too much because it is nowhere near as tall as my uncut plant and doesn't seem to be doing much growing although it is showing its female parts at least. Lesson learned that Northern Lights doesn't like to be pruned and should just let it be with its one main cola. All part of the learning process I guess.


Active Member
Think I am gonna have to raise the plant up then because it is a good 3-4 inches shorter than the other one and I don't want my light to get too far from it when I have to raise it for the taller plant. Both are starting to flower though so I am happy either way.


Active Member
So just out of curiousity, what are your opinions on soil mixtures because next grow after this I am growing pure power plant and short ryder autoflower so I want to do something different than MG soil and will also use more fertilizer as well. So your opinions on soil mixes and fertilizers would be great so I can start preparing now and getting the proper materials that I need. Thanks everyone!!


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Ok so here is my newest update of how the plants are doing and I apologize ahead of time for having yellow pictures again but the way my grow box is designed it is impossible to pull my plants out without messing them up. I should have designed the opening a little better but hindsight is 20/20. Anyways, the plants are healthy even though you can't really tell either way in the new pictures. The fimmed plant is just under 13 inches in height but is pretty bushy and doing well with its flowering. The uncut plant now stands almost 17 inches tall and looks like a little miniature christmas tree in shape. Both have quite a few female hairs for only being under the flowering light for 8 days so far and that is 8 days from when I started the 12/12 cycle as well. Next watering will be with MG Bloom Booster since it has been a week today since I last fertilized, but gotta wait for the plants to dry up a little more because soil is still moist as of when I checked it this morning. Once again, sorry for the yellow pictures but hopefully you can at least see the plant itself and how much they both have grown in the past week.



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Yeah my last grow which was with the same exact genetics did the same thing and that was also uncut. Pretty much just looked like a mini xmas tree like this one does except this one will be alot bigger when finished.


Well-Known Member
I grey NL from Nirvana and it has been one of my favorite strains to grow so far. Produced many dense nugs. Yours is looking nice, cant wait to see the end result


Active Member
Yeah my fimmed plant is staying short and bushy which is fine by me, but the uncut plant just keeps on growing upwards even with the light only being 6-8 inches above it at all times. Looks like she will probably be around 2 feet tall by the time all is said and done. This however will be the last time I cut just one plant and not the other because it is causing difficulties in growing because of the size difference between the 2 plants which makes it difficult keeping the light at a proper distance from both plants. I have raised the fimmed plant up some to try and even them out but the uncut plant just keeps growing everyday and is now a good 6 inches taller than the fimmed plant. Both are really healthy though and producing lots of hairs so its all good. Do you have a pictures from you Nirvana NL grow bigslama912 because I would love to see how it turned out.


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**UPDATE** Well both plants are pretty healthy but not bushing out like they should which I think is because of the soil being to dense below the first couple inches. Both plants are still producing buds well though so I am not complaining too much. The fimmed plant is staying short and bushy at around 13 inches in height with 7 top bud sites starting to look nice. The uncut plant is going strong at almost 20 inches in height looking like a little xmas tree with good bud development. All this in only 12 days of flowering total so far. Will put up new pictures on Friday or Saturday. Also ordering my new batch of feminized seeds tomorrow from Nirvana as well which will be Pure Power Plant and Short Ryder Autoflower. Can't wait to grow both after my 2 current are finished!!


Well-Known Member
This is a dilemma fr me aswell man. The untopped plants will just keep going up.. i have limited headroom. I was starting to consider the possibility of bending over the main stem ,not breaking or topping it.. just bending it over.. that works in a similar way to topping in that it stops upward growth and allows the lower parts to come up and get more light.


Active Member
Well I have the room to grow a 3 foot plant if need be so I should be ok for the 9-10 week flowering period. I am also trying to keep my light as close as I can to try and keep the stretching to a minimum. I think from here on out though I will probably just fim all of my plants to keep them short and bushy. By the way puffdatchronic, your plant is looking awesome for its age and look forward to its progress.


Active Member
Very nice Greenwhilley....are you using a scrog screen to grow that or was the one bud pics a single plant? Just curious as to if yours looked like a tall skinny xmas tree too although I am pretty sure mine looks like that because of my soil density.


Active Member
I used lst from early on and got her to grow like a scrog, she's very short but wide :)

She powered through a couple of minor problems I had and its a great strain for low odour, unless you disturb her she smells great.

All the best with your grow, I'll stay updated.


Active Member
Well I plan to just let both my plants continue doing what they are doing for this grow. Next grow I will be doing two Nirvana Pure Power Plant Feminized seeds and two Bubblicious Feminized Autoflower seeds in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mixed 50/50 with perlite. Still at least 6 weeks left of flowering on my two current Northern Lights so a ways to go yet. I will be posting new pictures probably tomorrow or the next day.