nirvana - Short Rider feminized (AUTO) not flowering

ok guys i got this plant its Short Rider feminized auto i started it in March in a small pot then it grew in it for about 45 days on the window sill pure sun light.
Then i dicided to go to the next level got a 200w dual spec bulb and started growing it under that moved it to 5l pot also.
and i got nutrients for it so i started giving her ionic grow for about 2 weeks because it was quite small then it grew like crazy. and about 2 weeks ago i started giving it bloom and switched to 12/12 from 18/6 and it keeps geting bigger and gigger and its not starting budding what can i do guys ? please HELP !!!


Po boy

Well-Known Member
looking good! i've grown several Nirvana SR and always like the results. decent yield and easy growing. i like the smoke because of the nice high, just right. smooooth. GL
she is budding like this for 3 weeks now :L guys not like im not patient

and you know this is a auto so it should of budded like in the 4th week so 2 months in and still no near the finish, you can get why im concerned (more then 2 months now .. : D )

But ill just let her grow maybe she will start soon thanks for the help : )