Nirvana "Snow White", 3 plant 328watt CFLgrow 48 days flowering

Box: 1.2x2 cabinet a little over 2sq ft and 10,000 lumens a sq ft
Lighting: 12 23watt CFL, 2 26 watt CFL about half and half between daylight and red spectrum .
Temps: 85f on 65f off
Humidity: 40-50
Smell: The smell it gives off is like a funky fruit/fuel mix even a fruity paint thinner type smell lol.
Nutes: Jacks Bloom Booster 10-30-20 every 4 days or so , started with 1/4 tsp now at 1/2 tsp
I'm going to try and take some high resolution pics in the future to show the trichs I need to get flash going lol..hoping for about 2 ounces from this to keep the crohns disease pain down til next grow finishes.

Here it is, 3 plants..Betty is the one on the left shes plump, Dela is in the middle with the nice cola, and Leggy on the right and a little more airy and long. You may see a cat hair or two :Pimage1(9).jpgimage1(2).jpgimage1(3).jpgimage1(6).jpgimage1(8).jpgphoto.jpgimage1(1).jpgimage1.jpgimage1(4).jpg
Ah I vegged about 4 weeks. I would say flower when you feel your plant has enough tips and size to accommodate your space and lighting given that it will double maybe triple in size during stretch. Too much plant not enuf light you'll get airy fluffy bud too small may hurt yield. My plants are so tight and bushy up in the box probably too much but I'm not trimming now at least not til 2 or 3 weeks from now when I harvest.


Active Member
Hey man, looking good! My grow is almost the same as yours with wattage, space, and even age...but I only got 2 ladies growing in my space. I'll be following along!
Thanks :D, ill update this thread to the end of the grow and give final dry weight. I'm thinking of regenerating two of the girls for the next grow, 3 is just overload for this box...bhandari I gotta say I think you're right in choosing 2 plants for the tight space. It's a jungle up in my cab lol. I'm sure it impedes air flow.


Active Member
Yea man, I'm also planning on sharing my dry weight as well, so it'll be nice to compare and whatnot. I got some feminized seeds for my next grow...and I'm thinkin that I'm only gonna do up one at a time instead of two, cause even my area feels a little crowded sometimes! I've been reading about this re-vegging stuff...gonna have to look into that.
**Week 8 Flowering Update*
Getting fatter and stinkier and trichs starting to get milkier. Still not many amber I see. I had to cut a nug off betty because i was running out of weed. It turned out 3.5 grams dry and this shit is obvioously harsh from no cure but gets me baked good. Cant wait to see what it all turns out to be after a nice cure. but judging so far it looks like itll be good n potent :D. Looks like about 14 days til harvest but we'll see..hows it lookin?:leaf::leaf::leaf:a1.jpga15.jpga14.jpga13.jpga12.jpga11.jpga10.jpga9.jpga8.jpga7.jpga6.jpga5.jpga4.jpga3.jpga2.jpgnug.jpg:leaf::leaf:
Everything is harvested and curing now, im leaving on trip for a month and I thought i'd give a final post on this grow ..I don't have any pics unfortunately, I've just been super busy trying to get lots of shit done before this trip and I staggered my harvest a bit cause I didn't have time in one day to do it all.

I cut one of the plants at week 8 one at week 9 and the last week 10 so let me give the run down

I got around 400 grams wet from all

First one I harvested was 24 grams dry, second one was 32 grams and third 24 grams for a total of 80 grams dry or close to 3 ounces..SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.:mrgreen::mrgreen: Far more than I thought but comes in around .25g a watt which seems to be what a lot of peeps get with cfls. I am VERY happy with the yield.

Now to the smoke...Snow White hits me good and is a nice refresher from the anxiety and paranoia inducing smokes i've been having off the street. Boy it hits hard but you don't really feel how potent it can be until it's cured at least 2 weeks. It just gets better once you stick it in that jar, maybe it's the continued drying or something but curing just makes it stronger bud.

By the way don't let anyone tell you that you can't get hard nugs with cfls. I'd say at least half my harvest is hard nug but could have been more. A lot of the fluffy nugs were on the 3rd plant and it was caused by me topping it to close to 12/12.

The smell of the Snow White buds is spicy and has hints of strawberry and fruit

There isn't much taste yet besides a hash like taste from all the THC I hope this gets better with age.

The high is cerebral that turns into a relaxing body stone. It's not droopy or lethargic. It does creep up on you until you finally realize you are stoned out of your gourd. Not tiring when smoked but man I made some oil with this using the trim and 3/4 ounce bud and it will knock your ass out. A good late night oil.

The buds harvested at Week 9 and 10 are better so I would recommend waiting the full time if growing this strain.

So I think thats about it..I'm MORE than happy with cfl's and you can't go wrong with Snow White if looking for a strain that gives dense nugs, is easy to grow, stays short, is potent and yields well.

good luck all, peace :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: