Nirvana Swiss Cheese


Well-Known Member
Oh and mold on a leaf will look like powder. Look up Powder Mold. In my case they were in the ground and were BLACK!


Active Member
Mine in my "backyard" as well. I've seen pics of mold before, but never first hand. I have them in what I call "the nook" very tall vegetation and a shed on three sides so its a bit secluded by rain, I think that is definitely helping me out. It rains like 1/2 as much back there, and still catches wind. I hope I do not get to see the mold, ever. I hear it is a colas worst nightmare.

My dad and bro have always said that there is never much mold around here, I don't think I've ever seen it, other than that orange stuff on the ground. My plants lower branches are well off the ground.