Nirvana White Rhino


Active Member
Ok so take a look at this white rhino plant. It is just starting to flower.

I wanted to fill you guys in on my knowledge of this plant do far so that anyone wanting to grow this in the future will have some info before they begin.

In dealing with the strain from nirvana I have found that these seeds can produce very different acting plants. For instance, the first one I grew turned out to grow just as fast and tall as a diesel plant that was planted from seed at the same time. I often wondered if I had accidentally grabbed a diesel seed instead of white rhino by mistake.

Anyway, after that I decided to plant a couple potential mothers. One was the same sativa growth but the other was the more typical 100% indica.

The one major difference that I have found is the indica phenotypes have extremely rapid root growth. I planted 3 seeds, and the indica one (mother of the plant pictured) had strong, healthy roots coming out of the rockwool cube at least a day and a half before the others.

The plant pictured was vegged for 2 weeks once the roots took, and it was about 5" when I threw the lights. I originally thought it was take off like most plants do but it did not.

It now stands at 8" and is bushy as hell. The plant refuses to grow much stem growth. I am very interested in seeing what the buds turn out to look like. This strain refuses to grow so much that I am finding it hard to get suitable clones from the mother. All growth looks just like the bottom of the pictured plant. A bushy mess. I did cut most of the fan leaves though and that seems to help.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience so far go those who might be looking to buy these seeds.
